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Prithviraj Basumallik

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Prithviraj Basumallik

I am an applied economist that is passionate about improving decision making. I care about socially relevant problems. I look for solutions by identifying the correct questions, applying statistical techniques, and then most importantly communicating them.

My Phd projects aims to find solutions to health care systems that make them more resistant to shocks in health and the broader economy. At the moment, I’m working on multiple projects

1) Prevention in long term care
2) Variation in home care across europe
3) Novel insurance experiments on GP incentives
4) Determinants hospital supply in times of excess demand

As a part of the PhD, I have the privilege of teaching students in Bachelor and Master programmes. I’m very passionate about teaching and give teaching special attention. I am a strong believer in pluralism in education. In my teaching, I do my best to draw in examples and concepts from different fields

I’m open to new projects and I bring energy and interaction to them; whether it’s in economics and statistics or something that requires interdisciplinary skills. Always open to chat, so send me a message and let’s connect!


Countries India; Netherlands;
Topics Access to care; Ageing in place; Care integration/ coordination; Financing LTC; home care; Unmet needs;
Methods Analysis of administrative data; Causal inference in Long-Term Care; Data science and LTC research; Longitudinal data analysis; Quantitative data analysis; Quasi-experimental methods; Simulation models; Theory and frameworks; Time series analysis;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Ageing and Place; Care home markets and regulation; Economics of Long-Term Care; Long-Term Care Policy; Quasi-experimental methods; Technology and Long-Term Care;
Research interests

1) Prevention in long term care
2) generosity in home care use
3) Novel insurance experiments on GP incentives
4) Determinants hospital supply in times of excess demand

5) public finance