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Nerea Uriarte


Nerea Uriarte

Enfermera de cuidados de larga duración


Countries Spain;
Topics Access to care; Attitudes and Expectations about Long-Term Care; Autonomy; Care Homes; Care in rural and other non-urban settings; Care inequalities; Care innovations; Care needs poverty and deprivation; Community-based LTC; Deinstitutionalisation; Employment education and family carers; End-of-life care and LTC; Epidemiology and ageing trajectories; Ethics and care; Gender and care; Healthcare access in LTC; home care; Home/domiciliary care; Housing and care; Infection prevention; Living arrangements; Local care ecosystems; Loneliness among older people; Long term care subsidies; LTC and people with learning disabilities; LTC and people with mental health conditions; LTC and younger people; LTC Systems; New models of care; Outcome measurement in LTC; Outcomes for unpaid/informal carers; Pain assessment and management; Pain management in care homes; Person-centered care; Prevention and rehabilitation and LTC; Primary Health Care; Relationship between LTC use and hospital use; Residential LTC services; Rights and people’s voices in LTC systems; Social connection; Social Innovation in LTC; Social Protection; Stigma and discrimination; Survey measures; Technology and LTC; Unmet needs; Unpaid / informal care; Younger carers;
Methods Case studies; Data science and LTC research; Literature reviews and synthesis; Longitudinal data analysis; Measure validation; Observational studies; Qualitative studies; Quantitative data analysis; Questionnaire; Research ethics; Training materials; Translation and cultural adaptation of instruments;
Role Practice;
Interest Groups Community-based approaches to dementia care; Employment Education and Family carers; Long-Term Care in Spain; Pain in Care Homes; Strengthening Responses to Dementia; Technology and Long-Term Care;
Research interests

Cuidados de larga duración en personas mayores