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Isabel Pardo Garcia


Isabel Pardo Garcia

I have a background in Economics (BA) University of Valencia) and Ph. D in Economics and Business Administration, University of Castilla La Mancha.  I’m currently Senior lecturer at the Department of Applied Economics in the University of Castilla La Mancha.

I managered “Curso de Formación Continua en Emprendimiento en Economía Social” and  the intergenerational seniors program at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Albacete campus) ‘Universidad de Mayores José Saramago 50 plus”  (2023-), and I belong to the Academic Comision of Máster Universitario en Investigación Sociosanitaria (2009-).

Principal Research at R+D Economics, Food and Society. University of Castilla-La Mancha.

I have published in journals of prestige, made presentations in national and international conference, managered and participated in national and regional research projects in the field of older people care. Current Research Projects: Main researcher:Long-Term care in Castilla-La Mancha. Financing proposals, Regional Cultural Advisor.

Researcher: Economic, health and social impact of illnesses and health problems: information and tools to evaluation public policies, Ministry of Economy and Finance, State Program Research+Development+Innovation 2013.

Publications in JCR journals: Heliyon, INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, European Journal of Health Economics, Small Business Economics, European Journal of Public Health, BMC Public Health, Innovar, Gaceta Sanitaria.

Publications in Scopus Journals: Ageing International, Journal of Promotion Management, Información Comercial Española. Revista de Economía, International Advances and Economic Research


Countries Spain;
Topics Access to care; Ageing in place; Home/domiciliary care; Loneliness among older people; LTC Policy; LTC Systems; LTC Workforce;
Methods Analysis of administrative data; Case studies; Data science and LTC research; Delphi surveys; Literature reviews and synthesis; Systematic Review;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Ageing and Place; Economics of Long-Term Care; Long-Term Care in Spain; Long-Term Care Policy;
Research interests

Economics of LTC; Loneliness in older people policies; Ageing, LTC Policies, Care

Key publications
  1. Isabel Pardo-Garcia, Roberto Martinez-Lacoba, Pablo Moya-Martínez, Elisa Amo-Saus, Raúl del Pozo-Rubio, Francisco Escribano-Sotos: Mortality risk factors in the dependent population of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) before and during the first COVID-19 wave, Heliyon, Volume 10, Issue 7,
  1. Briones, M.A., Escribano-Sotos, F., Pardo-Garcia, I., Hernadez Luengo, B., Valiente Lopez, G., Morcillo Sanz, M. & Jimenez Bascuñana, A. (2022). Efecto de un programa de intervención multidisciplinar sobre la soledad y el aislamiento en personas mayores institucionalizadas confinadas durante la pandemia por Covid-19 en España. Revista Arg. De Gerontología y Geriatría. 36 (1):5-16.
  2. Martinez-Lacoba R, Pardo-Garcia I, Escribano-Sotos F. Aging, Dependence, and Long-Term Care: A Systematic Review of Employment Creation. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing. 2021;58. doi:10.1177/00469580211062426
  3. Martinez-Lacoba, R., Pardo-Garcia, I. & Escribano-Sotos, F. The reverse mortgage: a tool for funding long-term care and increasing public housing supply in Spain. J Hous and the Built Environ36, 367–391 (2021).
  4. del Pozo-Rubio, R., Mínguez-Salido, R., Pardo-García, I. et al.Catastrophic long-term care expenditure: associated socio-demographic and economic factors. Eur J Health Econ20, 691–701 (2019).