About the Global Observatory of Long-Term Care
The Global Observatory of Long-Term Care (GOLTC) is a platform to facilitate cross-national learning to improve and strengthen care systems.
It builds on the previous LTCcovid.org website and aims to continue to identify shared challenges in relation to long-term care and showcase how different countries and localities are addressing them, sharing research evidence and supporting collaborations.
GOLTC is for policymakers, industry, advocates, care professionals and academics. The Observatory is part of the International Long-term Care Policy Network (ILPN). It will be officially launched at the ILPN Conference in September 2024.
GOTLC’s vision is to develop a global observatory to support cross-national learning to strengthen and improve long-term care systems and, ultimately, contribute to ensuring that people live their best lives, including those with impairments and their care partners.
How to engage with GOLTC:
The website has been structured has been around key topics in Long-Term Care, tools and methods to address these topics, and geographical areas, and for each of these you can find experts interested in those topics, tools or areas, research projects, interest groups, publications and videos.
Become a member:
If you are involved inLong-Term Care research, policy, practice or advocacy you can create an expert profile using this form: https://goltc.org/add-new-expert, this will enable you to share your expertise, publications and interests and join existing interest groups.
Register your research projects:
You can also share your research projects on Long-Term Care (ongoing and completed) through the searchable International Long-Term Care Research Projects Registry using this link: https://goltc.org/add-new-project/. This will generate a simple webpage for each project to which you can later add publications and other outputs.
Join or run an Interest Group:
A key way to engage actively with the Observatory is by participating in (or volunteering to lead) Special Interest Groups, these groups have a dedicated space on the website from where they share relevant publications, resources and host webinars. The groups can be on any topic, research method or geographical area relevant to Long-Term Care and are led by a steering group who organise three or four webinars a year and share useful resources.
Contribute to publications:
We are also developing Long-Term Care system profiles, brief guides to key LTC topics and methods guides, and we also publish blog posts (where you can discuss new publications, policy developments or research projects.
Share your news, publications and events:
Finally, the Observatory can share relevant publication and events through our news page and a monthly newsletter.
Contact us:
If you would like to take part in interest groups, writing LTC system profiles or topic guides, or would like to share news, publication and events, please email: ilp-network@lse.ac.uk
The Observatory has received pump-priming funding from the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science and through a funding award from LSE Innovation.
GOLTC welcomes funding from partner organisations to support operational aspects of the Observatory and for specific targeted activities (see associate members)
About Long-Term Care: we mean all forms of care and support that enable people with losses of capacity to live in accordance to their basic rights and human dignity. This includes care provided at home, in the community and in congregate settings (such as care homes and hospitals), care that is paid and unpaid, formal and informal, and can involve activities, service and devices that aim to prevent losses of function, to rehabilitate, maintain social participation, support with daily activities, and end of life care.
For any questions please email: ilp-network@lse.ac.uk