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ARIIA Conference announcement! Facing the future: Living well. Ageing well. Dying well, Adelaide (Australia)

ARIIA Conference announcement! Facing the future: Living well. Ageing well. Dying well, Adelaide (Australia)

4 Jul, 2024



07 Mar 2024

Facing the future: Living well. Ageing well. Dying well.

2 Day Conference,  Thu 4 & Fri 5 July 2024 in Adelaide, Australia organised by ARIIA (Aged Care Research & Industry Innovation Australia

If you are involved in the aged care ecosystem, you cannot afford to miss the highly anticipated and must-attend 2024 ARIIA conference.

Building on the success of our ground-breaking and award-winning inaugural conference, we are again bringing together the best and sharpest minds from across the aged care ecosystem for two days of inspiring debate, thought-provoking conversations, and networking to make a real impact on positive ageing in Australia.

With a world-class line-up of thinkers and industry experts, we are set for insightful discussions on transformative innovations and strategies globally, so we are living well, ageing well and dying well.

We are set to find answers to the tough questions about ageing…

  • How are we going to pay for our best older lives?
  • What new models of social care, allied health and prevention are needed for ageing well? Who is looking after us? What future workforce skills are needed?
  • How do codesign and technology come together for living well?
  • How do we improve food, nutrition and oral health so we are eating well as we age?
  • How do we reshape end-of-life systems for dying well?
  • How do we deliver better spaces for living well?

Facing the Future: Living Well. Ageing Well. Dying Well. will feature inspiring international and national leaders, thinkers, futurists, policy makers and industry experts delivering TED-style fast-paced keynote presentations each morning.

After lunch, breakout Exploring Future Idea sessions will be held that focus on crucial issues that have been identified by the aged care sector. Each session will feature a panel of speakers who are leaders in their fields, to present real examples and ideas, with time for discussion on how these approaches might have an impact throughout the aged care sector.


Facing the Future: Living Well, Ageing Well, Dying Well, will once again bring together not only the whole aged care ecosystem and government but also individuals from the wider community, with 50 free registrations being offered to older Australians.

Join CEO’s and other decision-makers, researchers, technologists, service providers, community advocates, positive ageing visionaries and those wanting to make a difference to our future. Take part in the discussions, exchange valuable insights and establish important connections, as we look to leverage workforce change as a driving force for progress, so we are living well, ageing well and dying well.

For more details or to register


ARIIA was established as an independent, not-for-profit organisation, set up to lead the advancement of the aged care workforce capability by promoting and facilitating innovation and research to improve the quality of aged c are for all Australians.

For more information please contact: Chris Crago, Senior Manager Marketing & Communications E: M: 0407 711 816