Events to mark the first UN International Day of Care and Support
Events to mark the first UN International Day of Care and Support
26 Oct 2023
WHO Europe celebrates the 1st International Day of Care of Support
To mark the first United Nations International Day of Care and Support, WHO Europe celebrates care and caregivers, the majority of which are women, recognizing their immense contributions to our communities, to our health and care systems and to individual and societal wellbeing.
Please join us online Tuesday 31st October at 15 CET to discuss Care and caregiving in fairer, wellbeing-driven societies and how international, cross-sectoral and multi-disciplinary partnerships can help accelerate progress towards a shared vision of gender equality and caring societies, where all those who need or give care are valued, supported and protected!
You can register at the following link:
The details for connecting to the meeting will be sent in a separate email, following registration.
This is a public event and we appreciate your support in disseminating through your professional networks!
Care is a universally shared human experience and a right to care cannot be separated from each individual’s right to health, dignity, quality of life and equal opportunity to achieve one’s full potential. But while care benefits all individuals in a society, care work and the burden of care are not equally shared. Investment in stronger, more accessible and high quality care services and systems is crucial to ensure well-being and quality of life throughout the life course, and a prerequisite for gender equality.
Our panelists include:
- Hania Sholkamy (American University Cairo) & Mary Helen Pombo (Salzburg Global Seminar) talking about the Salzburg Global Statement on the Value of Care and Caregiving and opportunities to join a global advocacy coalition for gender equitable, caring societies;
- Adelina Comas Herrera (London School of Economics) discussing the Global Observatory on Long-term Care and the academic partnerships that help bring evidence to long-term care policies and practice;
- Jolanta Reingarde (European Institute for Gender Equality) sharing novel insights on the Gender Care Gap in Europe and how countries can work to reduce it – to be confirmed
- Stefania Ilinca (WHO Europe), moderating the event and introducing the evidence on the effects of caregiving on the physical and mental health of caregivers;
With interventions from our partners and collaborators from the UN Partnership for the Rights of People with Disabilities; European Commission; Eurocarers; ILO European Office.
In Spanish: Personas, vidas y cuidados (Asturias)
An event to mark the International Day of Care and Support organised in Asturias, with the presentation of the report: “Hacia una nueva mirada al cuidado. Desterrando mitos”
It will take place in Oviedo (Asturias, Spain) on the 30th October 2023, 10.00 to 13.15 CET and can be followed live on YouTube
For more details visit: