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GOLTC webinar recording: Current long-term care policies and challenges in three Asian tigers

GOLTC webinar recording: Current long-term care policies and challenges in three Asian tigers


Hong Kong SAR
Taiwan, RoC

LTC Policy

01 Jul 2024

On 25 March, the GOLTC Long-Term Care Policy Interest Group convened a webinar on “Current long-term care policies and challenges in three Asian tigers”. The webinar featured:

  • Welcome and Introduction to the GOLTC LTC Policy Interest Group (Adelina Comas-Herrera, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, LSE)
  • Chairing and session introduction (Johanna Fischer, University of Bremen)


  • Hong Kong (Xue Bai, Hong Kong Polythecnic University)
  • Singapore (Qiushi Feng, National University of Singapore)
  • Taiwan (Yueh-Ching Chou, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, and Shao-fen Lee, National Tsing-Hua University)