New GOLTC system profile: Long-Term Care in Cyprus
New GOLTC system profile: Long-Term Care in Cyprus
28 Feb 2025

We are delighted to share the new GOLTC Long-Term Care system profile for Cyprus, written by Marios Kantaris, from the Health Services and Social Policy Research Centre of Cyprus.
Highlights from the LTC system profile for Cyprus:
- Cyprus is ageing rapidly, yet public expenditure on Long-Term Care is among the lowest in the European Union.
- Most LTC is provided informally, by family members or migrant domestic workers.
- The public LTC system is highly fragmented, with responsibilities split between two ministries.
- The creation of the universal General Health System in 2019 has improved access to LTC-related services such as homecare and rehabilitation.
- There is an urgent need to establish a modern legal and regulatory framework to ensure the quality of services, with two bills already drafted to address this, but awaiting enactment since 2020.
Click here to read the LTC system profile for Cyprus.
Click here to see all the GOLTC system profiles.