New GOLTC system profile: Long-Term Care in Italy
New GOLTC system profile: Long-Term Care in Italy
17 Dec 2024

We are delighted to share the new GOLTC Long-Term Care system profile for Italy, written by Ester Gubert (University of Trento) and Eleonora Perobelli (Cergas, SDA Bocconi School of Management).
Highlights from the LTC system profile for Italy:
- The Italian LTC system is characterised by a high reliance on a universal cash benefit with no constraints in use, no quality assurance safeguards and no connections to formal care.
- The provision of publicly funded in-kind care services is residual and varies widely across the country.
- The governance of the LTC system is fragmented and there is weak coordination between the different government department and levels.
- There is a high reliance on family caregiving and irregularly employed domestic workers.
- There are geographical and income-related inequalities in access to care.
- In March 2023 a new reform was approved, aiming to improve coordination, expand the offer of services and adapt better to people’s needs, however, this was watered down with a Decree in 2024 and lack of additional funding raises doubts about the potential for these reforms to have a real impact
Click here to read the LTC system profile for Italy.
Click here to see all the GOLTC system profiles.