NEW GOLTC system profile: Long-Term Care in Serbia
NEW GOLTC system profile: Long-Term Care in Serbia
LTC Policy
LTC Systems
21 Jun 2024

We are delighted to share the new GOLTC Long-Term Care system profile for Serbia, written by Nataša Todorović and Milutin Vračević (Red Cross of Serbia and Gerontological Society of Serbia).
Highlights from the LTC system profile for Serbia:
Formal Long-Term Care services in Serbia are split between the social welfare, healthcare and the pension insurance systems, without much coordination between them. Family care is the main source of care, particularly in rural areas where formal long-term care services are rarely available. Large numbers of care staff are migrating to Western Europe in search of better wages and working conditions, which is creating a challenge for the system to replace trained professionals. The shortages of care staff are leading to growing waiting lists for formal care and people who need care have no option but to rely on family support or purchasing care from a grey market of unlicensed providers.
A Strategy for De-institutionalisation and Development of Social Protection Services adopted in 2022 signals the intention to support people in living in their own communities. There are innovative pilots, such as foster care for adults and older persons, and the Red Cross in Serbia is piloting innovative community care centres to address and prevent care needs in two localities, through provision of day and home-based care and social engagement activities.
Click here to read the LTC system profile for Serbia.
Click here to see all the GOLTC system profiles.