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Adelina Comas-Herrera

Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science

Adelina Comas-Herrera

I have a background in Economics (BA and MSc, Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and I’m currently Assistant Professorial Research Fellow at the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science and director of the Global Observatory of Long-Term Care. During the Covid-19 pandemic I led the development of the website which helped share evidence and data on how the pandemic was affecting people who use and provide long-term care internationally.

I am currently working on a project looking at what lessons the social care sector in England can learn from the COVID-19 experience of other countries, and on STRiDE England, a project that aims to generate evidence to strengthen the response to dementia and reduce inequalities in access to care, treatment and support.


Countries International; Spain; United Kingdom; United Kingdom (England);
Topics Care inequalities; Care trajectories; Climate Change and LTC; Co-production in LTC; COVID-19 and other infectious diseases and LTC; Deinstitutionalisation; Dementia care and support; Economics of LTC; Ecosystems of care; Evaluation of LTC systems and services; Financing LTC; Governance and LTC systems organisation; LTC insurance; LTC Policy; LTC Reforms; LTC Systems; LTC systems in LMIC countries; LTC Workforce; Research gaps and priorities in LTC; Residential LTC services; Rights and people’s voices in LTC systems; Unpaid / informal care;
Methods Case studies; Co-production methods; Comparative policy analysis; Knowledge-exchange; Literature reviews and synthesis; Policy analysis; Quantitative data analysis; Simulation models; Theory of Change;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Ageing and Place; Care and social protection in Southern Africa; Care home markets and regulation; Climate Change and LTC; Community-based approaches to dementia care; Continence Care in Long-Term Care; Data Science; Economics of Long-Term Care; Employment Education and Family carers; Global Perinatal Mental Health; Integrated Long-Term Care; Long-Term Care in Spain; Long-Term Care Policy; Migration Mobility and Care Workers; Pain in Care Homes; Quality improvement in Long-Term Care; Quasi-experimental methods; Social Care Reform in England; Strengthening Responses to Dementia; Technology and Long-Term Care; Unmet need inequalities and care poverty (UNICAP); Workforce Capacity and Capability; Working Conditions and Wages in Long-Term Care;
X (Twitter)
Other 1;
Research interests

My main research interests are long-term care systems, witih a special interest in care for people with dementia and support for carers and financing, both in the UK and globally. I have extensive experience in developing simulation models of the future resources required to address long-term care needs and needs arising from dementia.

Key publications

Curry N, Oung C, Hemmings N, Comas-Herrera A and Byrd W (2023) Building a resilient social care system in England: What lessons can be learnt from Covid-19? Research report, Nuffield Trust and Care Policy and Evaluation Centre.

Comas-Herrera A, Fernández J-L, Hancock R, Hatton C, Knapp M, McDaid D, Malley J, Wistow G and Wittenberg R (2020) COVID-19: implications for the support of people with social care needs in England. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 32:4-5, 365-372, DOI: 10.1080/08959420.2020.1759759

Dawson W.D., Comas-Herrera A. (2022) International Dementia Policies and Legacies of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic, Public Policy & Aging Report, Volume 32, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 72–76,

Breuer, E., Freeman, E., Alladi, S., Breedt, M., Govia, I., López-Ortega, M., Musyimi, C., Oliveira, D., Pattabiraman, M., Sani, T. P., Schneider, M., Swaffer, K., Taylor, D., Taylor, E., and Comas-Herrera, A. (2021). Active inclusion of people living with dementia in planning for dementia care and services in low- and middle-income countries. Dementia

Kingston A, Comas-Herrera A and Jagger C, for the MODEM project (2018) Forecasting the care needs of the older population in England over the next 20 years: estimates from the Population Ageing and Care Simulation (PACSim) modelling study. Lancet Public Health (3): e447–55.

Comas-Herrera A, Marczak J, Byrd W, Lorenz-Dant K, Patel D, Pharoah D (eds.) and LTCcovid contributors. LTCcovid International living report on COVID-19 and Long-Term Care. LTCcovid, Care Policy & Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science.

Comas-Herrera A, Zalakaín J, Lemmon E, Henderson D, Litwin C, Hsu AT, Schmidt AE, Arling G, Kruse F & Fernández J-L (2020) Mortality associated with COVID-19 in care homes: international evidence. Report in, International Long-Term Care Policy Network, CPEC-LSE, 1st February 2021.

World Health Organization (2020) Preventing and managing COVID-19 across long-term care services, Geneva: World Health Organization. [main contributing author]