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Bethany Morgan Brett

My Home Life, City St Georges, University of London

Bethany Morgan Brett

Dr Bethany Morgan Brett is a Research Fellow for My Home Life England at City, University of London. Her academic background includes 19 years’ experience of lecturing in Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, Sociology, and Social Psychology and she is a senior fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She is an experienced evaluation specialist and archivist, with expertise in data management and research methods and ethics. She has published extensively including the monograph The Child-Parent Caregiving Relationship in Later Life: Psychosocial Experiences (Policy Press, 2023) and co-authored a methods textbook How to Do Qualitative Interviewing (SAGE, 2022). She is also a registered psychotherapist accredited by The British Psychotherapy Foundation and a charity director for Tendring Families First.


Countries UK;
Topics Ageing in place; Care Homes; Care innovations; Care trajectories; Dementia care and support; End-of-life care and LTC; Ethics and care; Gender and care; Home/domiciliary care; Housing and care; Living arrangements; Loneliness among older people; Person-centered care; Social connection; Unmet needs; Unpaid / informal care;
Methods Case studies; Co-production methods; Creative research methods; Data science and LTC research; Document analysis; Ethnography; Focus groups; Literature reviews and synthesis; Longitudinal data analysis; Narrative evaluation methods; Observational studies; Qualitative studies; Research ethics; Scoping reviews; Systematic Review; Thematic analysis; Training materials;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Ageing and Place; Community-based approaches to dementia care; Employment Education and Family carers; Long-Term Care Policy; Strengthening Responses to Dementia;
Research interests

My research expertise lies in the experiences of ageing across the life course, social care, care homes, technological interventions in social care, therapeutic communication, end of life care, dementia, mental health, transitions, and grief, loss and bereavement.

Key publications

Recent Reports

Morgan Brett, B., Owen, T., Ryan, A., Hewitt, E., Thompson, S., and Davis, L. (2024) Thriving in Residential Care, My Home Life, City St George’s, University of London.




Morgan Brett, B. (2023) The Child-Parent Caregiving Relationship in Later Life: Psychosocial Experiences. Policy Press.


Morgan Brett, B. and Wheeler, K. (2022) Teach yourself Qualitative Interviewing. SAGE.


Book Chapters


Morgan Brett, B. (2013) ‘Growing up and Growing Old’ book chapter in Nicholas, A and Flaherty, I. Growing up, growing old: trajectories of times and lives. Oxford: Inter-disciplinary Press.


Morgan, B. (October 2009). ‘Growing up and Growing Old’. Chapter in Time of our Lives Online book




Morgan Brett, B and Wheeler, K (2024) ‘How to teach qualitative interviewing’. In Liam Foster, Will Mason and Kitty Nichols Teaching Research Methods in Sociology. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.


Morgan Brett, B. (2024) ‘Becoming a Sociologist’ in Stories, Imaginations and Sociology: Essays in Honour of Ken Plummer, Edited by Carrabine, E., Demireva, N., Ryan-Flood, R., and South, N.


Morgan Brett, B. (2024) How to Use a Literature Review to Inform Research Design: A Case Study of ‘Thriving in Residential Care’, London, United Kingdom: SAGE Publications Ltd.


Morgan Brett, B. (2024) How to Archive your Qualitative Research Data, London, United Kingdom: SAGE Publications Ltd.


Journal Articles


Morgan Brett, B. (2019).  A psychosocial approach to analysing interviews: Combining free association and thematic coding. London, United Kingdom: SAGE Publications Ltd. doi: 10.4135/9781526474933


Morgan Brett, B. (2019). Preparing qualitative research data for sharing: Some lessons. London, United Kingdom: SAGE Publications Ltd. doi: 10.4135/9781526484857


Morgan Brett, B. (2018). Uncovering the unconscious in psychosocial research. SAGE Research Methods Cases.doi:10.4135/9781526455987


Haaker, M. and Morgan Brett, B. (2017) ‘Developing Research-led Teaching: Two Cases of Practical Data Re-use in the Classroom’. SAGE Open special issue on Digital Representations: Re-using and publishing digital qualitative data


Carter, J, Brown, M and Morgan Brett, B (2015) ‘Creative Teaching in Health and Social Care using the UK Data Service’. Health and Social Care Education, Volume 3, 2014 – Issue 1


Morgan Brett, B. (2013) ‘Reusing qualitative archived materials in creative research and innovative teaching contexts’, ALISS Quarterly, Vol. 8 No. 3 April 2013


Lyon, D., Morgan Brett, B., and Crow, G. (2012) ‘Working with Material from the Sheppey Archive: Exploring Formal and Contextual Data’ in Special Issue of International Journal for Social Research Methods: Perspectives on Working with Archived Textual and Visual Material, Vol. 15, Iss. 4, 2012