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Bingqin Li

Social Policy Research Centre/University of New South Wales

Bingqin Li

Bingqin Li is Professor at the Social Policy Research Centre at UNSW Australia. She received a PhD in Social Policy from London School of Economics, UK and a PhD in Economics from Nankai University, China. She is also an honorary Professor of Sydney University. She has worked in LSE, ANU and UNSW and received more than 40 research grants throughout her career. Her research has been published in academic journals in social policy, urban studies and public policy, such as Urban Studies, Environment & Urbanisation, Social Policy & Administration and Public Administration and Development. Bingqin Li is the current Chair of East Asian Social Policy Research Network. She is also the associate editor of the Elsevier journal of Urban Governance. She has consulted international organisations, such as the World Bank, the WHO, UNESCO, IIED, and UNDP. She is also an advisor of multiple research centres in universities in East Asia.


Countries Australia; China;
Topics Access to care; Care economy; Climate Change and LTC; Community-based LTC; Ecosystems of care; Governance and LTC systems organisation; Home/domiciliary care; Unpaid / informal care;
Methods Case studies; Discourse analysis; Mixed methods; Observational studies; Political decisions analysis; Scoping reviews; Thematic analysis; Theory and frameworks; Theory of Change;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Ageing and Place; Climate Change and LTC; Community-based approaches to dementia care; Long-Term Care Policy; Technology and Long-Term Care;
Other 1;
Other 2;
Research interests

Bingqin Li’s research is on social policy and governance. Her current projects include governance of age-friendly community, volunteering and old age social isolation, VR and old age friendly community, local government motivation in delivering complex social programs, collaborative governance, and disability inclusion. Her geographical coverage of research includes Australia and China.

Key publications

Fang L, Li B. (2023) The Entrepreneurial Welfare Mix: The Case of Community-Based Old Age Services in China. Social Policy and Society. Published online :1-10. doi:10.1017/S1474746423000234
Li, B. (2014). Social pension unification in an urbanising China: Paths and constraints. Public Administration and Development, 34(4), 281-293.
Li B; Fisher KR; Quan Farrant F; Cheng Z, 2021, ‘Digital policy to disability employment? An ecosystem perspective on China and Australia’, Social Policy and Administration: an international journal of policy and research,