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Cheryl Chui

University of Hong Kong

Cheryl Chui

Dr Chui’s research examines the role of civil society actors including nonprofits, social enterprises, social businesses and other hybrid organizations in facilitating positive change at the individual, community, and policy levels. Her works on nonprofit management, social innovation and entrepreneurship, community development, and age-friendly cities have been extensively published in peer reviewed journals. More recently, she is leading several projects investigating the interface between social entrepreneurship and inclusion of people with differences and older adults. As both a researcher and a registered social worker, Dr Chui advocates for cross-sector, socially innovative, and community-based solutions in face of increasingly complex societal challenges. She is principal and co-investigator to external competitive research grants funded by the Research Grants Council; government-commissioned projects funded by the Labour and Welfare Bureau, the Policy Innovation and Coordination Office (PICO), and the Equal Opportunities Commission.


Countries Hong Kong SAR;
Topics Care innovations; Co-production in LTC; Ecosystems of care; LTC Policy; New models of care;
Role Research;
Research interests

Social innovation; social enterprises; age-friendly cities; care innovation

Key publications
  • Chui, C. H. K.*, Lu, S., Chan, O. F., Cheung, J., Guo, Y. Q., Liu, Y., & Lum, T. (2023). Universities as intermediary organizations: catalyzing the construction of an Age-friendly city in Hong Kong. Innovation in Aging, 7(3), igad016. doi:10.1093/geroni/igad016
  • Lu, S., Chui, C. H. K.*, & Lum, T. Y. S. (2023). Facilitating volunteer engagement among older adults in social services: A case study of an innovative timebank program in a Chinese society. The Gerontologist. doi:10/1093/geront/gnad010
  • Chui, C. H. K.*, Lu, S., Chan, O. F., Cheung, J. C. S., Guo, Y. Q., Liu, Y., Chan, S. W., Tang, J. Y. M., Au, A., Wen, Z. V., Yu, R., Bai, X., Mok, K. H., J., Woo, J., & Lum, T. (2022). Changes in older adults’ perceptions of age-friendliness in Hong Kong: A three-year mixed-methods study. Cities, 127. doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2022.103748
  • Lu, S., Chui, C. H. K., & Lum, T. Y. S. (2022). Promoting social capital for healthy aging: Towards an integrative framework. The Gerontologist. doi:10.1093/geront/gnac062
  • Chui, C. H. K.*, Chan, C. H., & Chandra, Y. (2021). The role of work integration social enterprise in facilitating labour market integration for persons with disabilities: A convenient deflection from policy mainstreaming? Journal of Social Policy, 1-22. doi:10.1017/S0047279421000490
  • Chui, C. H. K., Chan, O. F., Tang, J. Y. M., & Lum, T. (2020). Fostering civic awareness and participation among older adults in Hong Kong: An empowerment-based participatory photo-voice training model. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 39(9), 1008-1015. doi:10.1177/0733464819838448
  • Chui, C. H. K., Tang, J., Kwan, C., Chan, O. F., Tse, M., Chiu, R. L. H., Lou, V. W. Q., Chau, P., Leung, A. Y. M., & Lum, T. Y. S. (2019). Older adults’ perceptions of age-friendliness in Hong Kong. The Gerontologist, 59(3), 549-558. doi:10.1093/geront/gny052