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Chloe Alexander

University of Birmingham

Chloe Alexander

Chloe Alexander is an expert on young carers. Her research examines inequalities, family life and the impact of public policies. Her theoretical work develops the use of affect theory and explores the politics of care. She specialises in qualitative research, including ethnography, visual research and creative methods. She is part of the ESRC Centre for Care, undertaking research on lifecourse and transitions.


Countries United Kingdom;
Topics Care economy; Care inequalities; Co-production in LTC; Gender and care; LTC and younger people; LTC Policy; Stigma and discrimination; Unmet needs; Unpaid / informal care; Younger carers;
Methods Co-production methods; Comparative policy analysis; Ethnography; Other; Policy analysis; Qualitative studies; Theory and frameworks;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Employment Education and Family carers; Unmet need inequalities and care poverty (UNICAP);
Key publications

Alexander, C. Unequal Conditions of Care and the Implications for Social Policies on Young Carers. Child Adolesc Soc Work J 38, 505–518 (2021).

Alexander CAffects of policy design: The case of young carers in the Care Act 2014 and the Children and Families Act 2014Soc Policy Adm202155968980