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Christine Brown Wilson

Queen's University Belfast

Christine Brown Wilson

Professor Christine Brown Wilson is a Registered Nurse with an international research profile in Ageing and Dementia focusing on service development and quality improvement in residential and community contexts. Christine’s methodological focus lies in participatory qualitative methodologies including coproduction involving multiple stakeholders (older people, people with dementia, families, staff and healthcare students) to improve  education and practice. She has established links with industry and service user organisations in the UK enabling older people, people living with dementia, family caregivers and staff to be actively engaged across the research process. Christine has supported organisations and teams in changing practice through quality improvement and developing relationship centred services in dementia care both in the UK, Australia and Singapore. Through this process, Christine has developed relationship based strategies that can be embedded at all levels of an organisation including a facilitated model of quality enhancement that supports staff in identifying practical strategies to implement person centred care. This work has led to invited presentations and workshops in the UK, North America, Asia and Australia.


Countries UK;
Topics Care innovations; Care integration/ coordination; Co-production in LTC; Dementia care and support; LTC Systems; LTC Workforce; New models of care; Prevention and rehabilitation and LTC; Technology and LTC; Unpaid / informal care;
Methods Co-production methods; Knowledge-exchange; Literature reviews and synthesis; Mixed methods; Qualitative studies; Research ethics;
Role Research;
Research interests

Ageing and dementia ; Qualitative research; co-production; resilience in long term care