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Clive Tan

National Healthcare Group, Singapore

Clive Tan

Dr Clive Tan is a medical doctor and Public Health specialist with close to two decades of clinical and leadership experience in the healthcare sector. He is currently working to improve the health for 1.5 million residents in the Central-North region of Singapore, architecting the health system to have a strong population health approach, with a focus on integrated care, behavioral change and care for the vulnerable and marginalized. He holds a MBBS from Singapore and a Masters in Public Health (MPH) from Johns Hopkins University, along with certificates in Gerontology, Humanitarian Assistance and Health Informatics (AMIA).  He had worked in WHO as a technical officer covering health systems strengthening, health service delivery and Quality & Patient Safety. He is also a Senior Fellow in the Atlantic Institute (Oxford) and the Equity Initiative Programme (Thailand), which works in South-East Asia to reduce health inequities. He is a Founding Member of the Precision Public Health Asia Society, and Executive Council member of both the College of Public Health and Occupational Physicians and the Society of Behavioural Health Singapore. He is an adjunct Assistant Professor at the National University of Singapore’s School of Public Health where he teaches healthcare management, health systems, health equity, healthcare quality and digital health.


Countries Singapore;
Topics Access to care; Care inequalities; Care integration/ coordination; Ecosystems of care; Evaluation of LTC systems and services; Governance and LTC systems organisation; New models of care; Unpaid / informal care;
Methods Comparative policy analysis; Mixed methods; Policy analysis; Theory and frameworks; Theory of Change;
Role Policy;
Interest Groups Data Science;
Research interests

Dr Clive Tan writes regularly for medical publications and his research interests include: 1) integrated care and population health, 2) health behaviour change and tobacco control, 3) healthcare leadership and change management, and 4) chronic disease prevention and management.  He has published widely in international journals in the areas of infectious disease outbreaks, tobacco, disaster preparedness and humanitarian assistance; thought-leadership pieces in Singapore’s Civil Service College’s ETHOS magazine.  He has a strong professional network in Singapore and the region based on his work with the WHO and the NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health.

Key publications

Clive Tan, Eugene Fidelis Soh. Engineering the transition to people-centred care-Singapore’s ongoing journey. International Journal of Integrated Care.

Clive Tan, Iain Tan. Public Health in Action over at the Migrant Worker Dormitories. COVID-19 Pandemic in Singapore, pp. 193-203 (2022).

Ang IYH, Tan KXQ, Tan C, Tan CH, Kwek JW, Tay J, Toh SES. Impact of a personalized mHealth program for type 2 diabetes mellitus during the COVID-19 pandemic: single-group pre-post retrospective analysis. JMIR Diabetes. 2021 Jul 9;6(3):e25820. doi: 10.2196/25820. PMID: 34111018; PMCID: PMC8274679.

Tan IB, Tan C, Hsu LY, Dan YY, Aw A, Cook AR, Lee VJ. Prevalence and Outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Migrant Workers in Singapore. JAMA. 2021 Feb 9;325(6):584-585. doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.24071. PMID: 33560312.

Clive Tan, Lin L, Lim M, et al Tobacco use patterns and attitudes in Singapore young male adults serving military national service: a qualitative study. BMJ Open 2020;10:e039367. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-039367. PMID: 32988949 Available at

Tan C, Baghirov R, Yap J, Lin V. The challenge of making health services people-centred: how are policy-makers in Asia approaching it?. International Journal of Integrated Care. 2017;17(3):A45. DOI:

White Paper: Responsible Data Sharing in Health and Healthcare

Jointly published by the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore and the Precision Public Health Society. Available at

Clive Tan and Aaron Maniam. Embracing Complexity in Healthcare.  ETHOS Issue 14, Feb 2016. Available

Jeremy Lim and Clive TanStrategic Orientations in Singapore Healthcare.  ETHOS Issue 9, Jun 2011.  Available at