Deborah Oliveira
Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile
Deborah Oliveira

I am a Registered Nurse with a PhD by the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. I currently work as Assitant Professor at the Faculty of Nursing, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile. I also collaborate as consultant on long-term care for the Panamerican Health Organization (PAHO). I am an associate member of MICARE (Millennium Institute for Care Research), Chile, of INTERDEM (Early, Timely and Quality Psychosocial Interventions in Dementia), Europe, and of the National Centre for Healthy Ageing, Melbourne, Australia. I am a Commissioner for the Lancet Commission on Long-Term Care for Older People.
Previous experience: I have previously worked as Researcher in Brazil (UNIFESP) and in the United Kingdom (University of Nottingham), and as Consultant for both the Social Protection and Health Division of the Inter-American Development Bank (Washington D.C.) and for World Health Organization (WHO), in areas related to long-term care for older people and dementia. I have over 90 publications including peer-reviewed papers in academic journals, policy documents, and book chapters, and I have co-edited two books. I have co-led the drafting of WHO’s “Framework for countries to achieve an integrated continuum of long-term care” (2021); have been involved in drafting WHO’s “Global status report on the public health response to dementia” (2021); and contributed as an expert adviser to WHO’s “Be healthy, be mobile: a handbook on how to implement mDementia” (2021). Within the Interamerican Development Bank, I co-authored the regional report “Aging in Latin America and the Caribbean: social protection and quality of life of older persons” (2022) and the first analysis of human resource supply and demand for long-term care for older persons in Latin America and the Caribbean (2022). I am / have been Associate Editor for the journals: Dementia, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, and Dementia & Neuropsychologia.
Countries | Brazil; Chile; United Kingdom; |
Topics | Community-based LTC; Dementia care and support; Evaluation of LTC systems and services; LTC Policy; LTC Systems; Rights and people’s voices in LTC systems; Stigma and discrimination; Survey measures; Unpaid / informal care; |
Methods | |
Role | Research; |
Interest Groups | Long-Term Care Policy; Strengthening Responses to Dementia; |
Website | |
ORC.ID | 0000-0002-6616-533X |
X (Twitter) | | | |
Other 1 |; |
Other 2 |; |
Research interests | I am interested in the psychosocial experiences of people living with dementia and of their carers, particularly stigma and discrimination, and in long-term care and care policy for older people. |
1. Salcher-Konrad M, Shi C, Patel D, McDaid D, Astudillo-García CI, Bobrow K, Choy J, Comas-Herrera A; Fry A, Knapp M, Leung DKY, Lopez-Ortega M, Lorenz-Dant K, Musyimi C, Ndetei D, Nguyen TA, Oliveira D, Putra A, Vara A, Wong G, Naci H, STRiDE Evidence Review Group 22 (2023 – in press) Research evaluating the effectiveness of dementia interventions in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic mapping of 340 randomised controlled trials. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
2. Da Mata FAF, Oliveira D, et al. (2023) Accessing dementia care in Brazil: an analysis of case vignettes. Dementia. (DOI:
3. Barbosa MG, Oliveira D, Martinelli MC, et al. (2023) The association of hearing loss with depressive symptoms and cognitive function among older people: results from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. e5904. (DOI:
4. Monteiro DQ, Ottaviani AC, Campos CRF, Pavarini SCI, Barham EJ, Oliveira D, da Cruz KCT, Corrêa L, Orlandi FS, Zazzetta MS, Jacinto AF, Gratão ACM (2023) iSupport-Brazil: Cross-cultural adaptation of the content included in the iSupport programme for caregivers of people who have dementia. Dementia (
5. Pot AM, Oliveira D, Hoffman J (2022) Healthy ageing in China: shaping long-term care. Lancet (DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(22)02361-3).
6. Lee D-CA, Burton E, Slatyer S, Jacinto A, Oliveira D, Bryant C, Khushu A, Tiller E, Lalor A, Watson M, Layton N, Brusco N, Hill KD (2022) Understanding the role, quality of life and strategies used by older carers of older people to maintain their own health and well-being: A national Australian survey. Clinical Interventions in Aging (DOI: 10.2147/CIA. S384202).
7. Oliveira D, Carter T and Aubeeluck A (2022) Editorial: Interpersonal Wellbeing Across the Life Span. Front. Psychol (DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.840820).
8. Oliveira D, Godoy C, da Mata FAF, Mateus E, Franzon ACA, Farina N, Evans-Lacko S, Ferri CP (2022) Reducing dementia-related stigma and discrimination among community health workers in Brazil: protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility trial. BMJ Open (DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-060033).
9. Ottaviani AC, Monteiro DQ, Oliveira D, Gratão ACM, Jacinto AF, Campos CRF, Barham EJ, Orlandi FS, Keila da Cruz KCT, Corrêa L, Zazzetta MS, Pavarini SCI (2022) Usability and acceptability of internet-based interventions for family carers of people living with dementia: systematic review, Aging & Mental Health, 26:10, 1922-1932 (DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2021.1975095).
10. Ottaviani AC, Quirino DQ, Campos CRF, Barham EJ, Oliveira D, da Cruz KCT, Corrêa L, de Souza FO, Zazzetta MS, Gratão ACM, Pavarini SCI (2022) ISupport-Brazil: Preliminary results of the usability and acceptability assessment by caregivers of people who have dementia. Frontiers in Medicine (DOI: 10.3389/fmed.2022.981748).
11. Akyol MA, Küçükgüçlü Ö, Söylemez BA, Özkayasaglam B, Oliveira D (2022) Translation and Psychometric Evaluation of the Turkish Version of the Motivation to Change Lifestyle for Dementia Risk Reduction Scale (T-MOCHAD-10), The European Journal of Psychiatry (DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpsy.2022.03.004) .
12. Oliveira D, Knight H, Jones KA, Ogollah R, Orrell M (2021) Motivation and willingness to increase physical activity for dementia risk reduction: Cross-Sectional UK survey with people aged 50 and over. Aging Ment Health (
13. Breuer E, Freeman E, Alladi S, Breedt M, Govia I, López-Ortega M, Musyimi C, Oliveira D, Pattabiraman M, Sani TP, Schneider M, Swaffer K, Taylor D, Taylor E, Comas-Herrera A (2022) Active inclusion of people living with dementia in planning for dementia care and services in low- and middle-income countries. Dementia (
14. Breuer E, Comas-Herrera A, Freeman E, Albanese E, Alladi S, Amour R, Evans-Lacko S, Ferri CP, Govia I, García CIA, Martin Knapp, Lefevre M, López-Ortega M, Lund C, Musyimi C, Ndetei D, Oliveira D et al. (2022) Beyond the project: Building a strategic theory of change to address dementia care, treatment and support gaps across seven middle-income countries. Dementia. (DOI: 10.1177/14713012211029105).
15. Mabunda D, Oliveira D, Sidat M, Cavalcanti MT,Cumbe V, Mandlate F, Wainberg M, Cournos F, Mari JJ (2022) Cultural adaptation of psychological interventions for people with mental disorders delivered by lay health workers in Africa: Scoping review and expert consultation. International Journal of Mental Health Systems (DOI: 10.1186/s13033-022-00526-x).
16. Aliberti MJR, Bertola L, Szlejf C, Oliveira D, Piovezan RD, Cesari M, Andrade FB, Lima-Costa MF, Perracini MR, Ferri CP, Suemoto C (2022) Validating intrinsic capacity to measure healthy aging in an upper middle-income country: findings from the ELSI-Brazil. The Lancet Regional Health – Americas (DOI: 10.1016/j.lana.2022.100284).
17. Mabunda D, Oliveira D, Sidat M, Cournos F, Wainberg M, Mari JJ (2022) Perceptions of Community Health Workers (CHW) on barriers and enablers to care for people with psychosis in rural Mozambique: Findings of a Focus Group Discussion study using the Capability, Opportunity, Motivation and Behaviour framework (COM-B framework). Human Resources for Health (DOI: 10.1186/s12960-022-00741-0).
18. Oliveira D, da Mata F, Mateus E, Musyimi CW, Farina N, Ferri CP, Evans-Lacko S (2021) Experiences of stigma and discrimination among people living with dementia and family carers in Brazil: Qualitative study. Aging & Society (DOI:
19. Musyimi CW, Ndetei DM, Evans-Lacko S, Oliveira D, Mutunga E, Farina N (2021) Perceptions and experiences of dementia and its care in rural Kenya. Dementia: the international journal of social research and practice (
20. Oliveira D, Deckers K, Zheng L, Macpherson H, Ishak WS & Silarova B (2021) The career development of early- and mid-career researchers in dementia should be a global priority: a call for action, Aging & Mental Health (DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2021.1875193).
21. Hare-Duke L, Dening T, Oliveira D, Dewa R, Slade M (2021). Social connectedness in adults with mental disorders: ecological validation of a conceptual framework for novel complex intervention. Journal of Mental Health (
22. Wachholz PA, de Oliveira DC, Hinsliff-Smith K, Devi R, Villas Boas PJF, Shepherd V, Jacinto AF, Watanabe HAW, Gordon AL, Ricci NA (2021) Mapping Research Conducted on Long-Term Care Facilities for Older People in Brazil: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 18(4):1522 (DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18041522).
23. Wachholz PA, Moreira VG, Oliveira D, Watanabe HAW, Villas Boas PJF (2021). Estimates of infection and mortality from COVID-19 in care homes for older people in Brazil. Geriatr Gerontol Aging (DOI: 10.5327/Z2447-212320202000127).
24. Pavarini SCI, Bregola AG, Luchesi BM, Oliveira D, Orlandi FS, Moura FG, Silva RHO, Oliveira NA, Zazzetta MS, Santos-Orlandi AA, Ottaviani AC (2020). Social and health-related predictors of family function in older spousal caregivers: a cross-sectional study. Dement Neuropsychol;14(4):372-378 (DOI: 10.1590/1980-57642020dn14-040007).
25. Jacinto AF, Achterberg W, Wachholz PA, Dening T, Harrison-Dening K, Devi R, Oliveira D, et al. (2020) Using international collaborations to shape research and innovation into care homes in Brazil: A white paper. J. Nursing Home Res; 6:109-113 (DOI: 10.14283/jnhrs.2020.28).
26. Pelegrini LNC, Hall A, Hooper E, Oliveira D, Guerra FP, Casemiro FG, Bonfadini J, Yong K, Pereira N, Costa RQM, Mioshi E, Barbosa MT, and the members of the United Kingdom-Brazil Dementia workshop (2020) Highlights from the United Kingdom-Brazil dementia workshop: Challenges in public perception. Dement. Neuropsychol; 14(3):209-215 (DOI: 10.1590/1980-57642020dn14-030002).
27. Farina N, Suemoto C, Burton J, Oliveira D, Frost R (2020) Perceptions of dementia amongst the general public across Latin America: a systematic review. Aging & Mental Health: p. 1-10 (DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2020.1725738).
28. Bosco A, Jones KA, Lorito C, Stephen BCM, Orrell M, Oliveira D (2020) Changing lifestyle for dementia risk reduction: Inductive content analysis of a national UK survey. PLoS One: v. 15, p. e0233039 (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0233039).
29. Piovezan R, Oliveira D, Arias N, Acosta D, Prince MJ, Ferri CP (2020) Mortality Rates and Mortality Risk Factors in Older Adults with Dementia from Low- and Middle-Income Countries: The 10/66 Dementia Research Group Population-Based Cohort Study. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease: p. 1-13 (DOI: 10.3233/JAD-200078).
30. Oliveira D (2019). Academic terminologies and stigma in later life. Geriatr Gerontol Aging: 13(3):177-179 (DOI: 10.5327/Z2447-211520191900061).
31. Ferri C, Oliveira D (2019) Harmonization of epidemiological studies on dementia in Latin America: Why does it matter? Dementia & Neuropsychologia,13:363-366 (DOI: 10.1590/1980-57642018dn13-040001).
32. Oliveira D, Ferri C (2019) Potential for dementia prevention in Latin America and Africa based on population-attributable fraction estimates. Lancet Global Health (commentary): 7:e1324 (DOI: 10.1016/S2214-109X(19)30324-9).
33. Otuyama LJ, Oliveira D, Locatelli D, Machado DA, Noto AR, Galduroz JCF, Prince MJ, Ferri CP (2019). Tobacco smoking and risk for dementia: evidence from the 10/66 population-based longitudinal study. Aging & Mental Health: 1-11 (DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2019.1647140).
34. Salcher-Konrad M, Naci H, McDaid D, Alladi S, Oliveira D, Fry A, Hussein S, Knapp, M, Musyimi C, Ndetei DM, Lopez-Ortega M, Comas-Herrera A (2019) Effectiveness of interventions for dementia in low- and middle-income countries: protocol for a systematic review, pairwise and network meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 9: e027851 (DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-027851).
35. Apolinario PP, Batistoni J, Oliveira D, Goncalves N, Rodrigues RC, Lima MHM (2019) Psychometric Properties of the Brazilian Version of the Nurses’ Knowledge of High-Alert Medications Scale: A Pilot Study. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 33:23-38 (DOI: 10.1891/1541-6577.33.1.23).
36. Oliveira D, Zarit SH, Orrell M (2019) Health-promoting self-care in family carers of people with dementia: The views of multiple stakeholders. Gerontologist, 59(5):e501–e511 (DOI: 10.1093/geront/gnz029).
37. Oliveira D, Jones K, Ogollahb R, Ozupek S, Hogervorst E, Orrell M (2019) Willingness to adhere to current UK low-risk alcohol guidelines to potentially reduce dementia risk: A national survey of people aged 50 and over. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 69:29-837 (DOI: 10.3233/JAD-181224).
38. Oliveira D, Aubeeluck A, Stupple E, Kim S, Orrell M (2019) Factor and reliability analysis of a brief scale to measure motivation to change lifestyle for dementia risk reduction in the UK: The MOCHAD-10. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 17:75 (DOI: 10.1186/s12955-019-1143-8).
39. Oliveira D, Otuyama LJ, Mabunda D, Mandlate F, Goncalves-Pereira M, Xavier M, Laks J, Ferri CP (2019) Reducing the number of people with dementia through primary prevention in Mozambique, Brazil and Portugal: an analysis of population-based data. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 68:1-9 (DOI: 10.3233/JAD-180636).
40. Oliveira D, Bosco A, Lorito C (2019) Is poor health literacy a risk factor for dementia in older adults? Systematic literature review of prospective cohort studies. Maturitas 124 (special issue): 8-14. (DOI: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2019.03.010).
41. Oliveira D, Sousa L, Orrell M (2019) Improving health-promoting self-care in family carers of people with dementia: a review of interventions. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 14:515-523 (DOI: 10.2147/CIA. S190610).
42. Duke LH, Dening T, Oliveira D, Milner K, Slade M (2019) Conceptual framework for social connectedness in mental disorders: Systematic review and narrative synthesis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 245:188-199 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2018.10.359).
43. Oliveira DC, Vass C, Aubeeluck A (2019) Quality of life on the views of older family carers of people with dementia. Dementia, 0:1-20 (DOI: 10.1177/1471301217700741).
44. McGarry J, Aubeeluck A, de Oliveira D (2019) Evaluation of an evidence-based model of safeguarding clinical supervision within one healthcare organization in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare, 17: S29-S31 (DOI:10.1097/XEB.0000000000000180).
45. Klinkenberg I, Oliveira D, de Vugt ME, Verhey F, Orrell M (2018) INTERDEM Academy: a training and career development initiative vital to capacity building of early-stage psychosocial dementia researchers in Europe. Aging & Mental Health, 0:1-3 (DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2018.1442415).
46. Oliveira D, Sousa L, Aubeeluck A (2018) What would most help improve the quality of life of older family carers of people with dementia? A qualitative study of carers’ views. Dementia, 0:1-12 (DOI: 10.1177/1471301218791906).
47. Oliveira DC, Vass C, Aubeeluck A (2018) The development and validation of the Dementia Quality of Life Scale for Older Family Carers (DQoL-OC). Aging & Mental Health, 22:1-8 (DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2017.1293004).
48. Oliveira DC, Neri AL, D’Elboux MJ (2016) Lack of anticipated support for care for community-dwelling older adults. Rev Bras Enderm, 69:566-573 (DOI: 10.1590/0034-7167.2016690321).
49. Oliveira DC, Hlebec V (2016) Predictors of Satisfaction with Life in Family Carers: Evidence from the Third European Quality of Life Survey. Teorija in praksa, 53:503-523 (URL:
50. Oliveira DC, Vass C, Aubeeluck A (2015) Ageing and quality of life in family carers of people with dementia being cared for at home: a literature review. Quality in Primary Care, 23:18-30 (URL:
51. Oliveira DC, Neri AL, D’Elboux MJ (2013) Variables related to the anticipated support for care in community-dwelling older adults. Rev Latino-Am Enferm, 21:742-749 (DOI: 10.1590/S0104-11692013000300013).
52. Oliveira DC, D’Elboux MJ (2012) National studies on family caregivers of older persons: integrative review. Rev Bras Enferm, 65:829-838 (DOI: 10.1590/S0034-71672012000500017).
53. Oliveira DC, Silva EM (2012) Care to the elderly in Campinas-SP: qualitative study of managers and politicians. Rev Bras Enferm, 65:942-949 (DOI: 10.1590/S0034-71672012000600009).
54. Cruz KCT, Oliveira DC, D’Elboux MJ (2012) Assessment of quality of life related to health of the elderly through the SF-12. Geriatrics, Gerontology & Aging, 6:283-292 (URL:
55. Oliveira DC, Carvalho GSF, Higa CMH, Stella F, D’Elboux MJ (2011) Quality of life and burden in family carers of Quality of life and work overload among elderly outpatient caregivers. Texto & Contexto Enferm, 20: 234-240 (DOI: 10.1590/S0104-07072011000200003).
56. Oliveira DC, Leme J, Cruz KCT, Higa CMH, D’Elboux MJ (2011) Support group for family caregivers of the elderly: a successful experience. Science, Care & Health, 10:739-745 (DOI: 10.4025/cienccuidsaude.v10i4.18318).
1. Federação Brasileira das Associações de Alzheimer (Ed. Mateus E, Franzon ACA, Febraz, Godoy C, Oliveira D, da Mata F, Ferri C) (2023) Manifesto pelos direitos das pessoas que vivem com demência, parceiros e parceiras de cuidados (link).
2. Organización Panamericana de Salud y Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (2023) Ed: Aranco N, Oliveira D, Benedetti F, Ibarrarán P, Stampini M. La situación de los cuidados a largo plazo en América Latina y el Caribe (link).
3. Aranco N, Bosch M, Stampini M, Azuara Herrera O, Goyeneche L, Ibarrarán P, Oliveira D, Reyes RTM, Savedoff WD, Torres Ramirez E (2022) Aging in Latin America and the Caribbean: social protection and quality of life of older persons. Interamerican Development Bank, IDB Monographs (DOI: 10.18235/0004287).
4. Villalobos-Dintrans P, Oliveira D, Stampini M (2022) Estimation of human resource needs for the care of elderly people with care dependency in Latin America and the Caribbean. Technical Note (IDB-TN-02556): Inter-American Development Bank (DOI: 10.18235/0004487).
5. Oliveira D, Moncada SL, Terra F (2022) The use of scales of functionality and dependency of care in the elderly: Practices, advances and future directions. Technical Note (IDB-TN-2476): Inter-American Development Bank (DOI: 10.18235/0004280).
6. Evans-Lacko S, Farina N, Ferri CP, Franzon AC, Godoy C, Hurzuk S, Jacobs R, Mata F, Elaine Mateus, Musyimi C, Muyela L, Oliveira D, Ong E, Ortega ML, Surawattananon, N, Weidner W (2022) Don’t Forget I’m Human – Stopping Dementia Stigma. The STRiDE Anti-Stigma Toolkit (link).
7. Oliveira D, da Mata FAF, Brucki S, Ferri CP (2022) Expert essay: Post diagnostic support for people living with dementia and their family carers in Brazil. In: Gauthier S, Webster C, Servaes S, Morais JA, Rosa-Neto P. World Alzheimer Report 2022: Life after diagnosis: Navigating treatment, care and support. London: Alzheimer’s Disease International (p.103-104) (link).
8. Oliveira D, Aranco N, Stampini M (2021) Long-Term Care Challenges and Opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean. In: Leaders in Longevity – Special feature: Latin America. The Journal, AARP; vol. 14, 2021 ed. (DOI: (link).
9. World Health Organization (2021) Framework for countries to achieve an integrated continuum of long-term care. ISBN: 9789240038844. Geneva, Switzerland (Consultant writer) (link).
10. World Health Organization (2021) Be He@lthy, Be mobile: A handbook on how to implement mDementia. ISBN: 9789241564458. Geneva, Switzerland (Expert Contribution) (link).
11. Cataldi R, Freel S, Oliveira D, Pot AM, Seeher K, de Souza ST, Wang H, Wimo A (2021) Chapter 8: Support for carers of people living with dementia. In: World Health Organization. Global status report on the public health response to dementia: ISBN 978-92-4-003324-5. Geneva, Switzerland (p. 181-204) (link).
12. World Health Organization (2021) Global status report on the public health response to dementia. ISBN 9789240033245. Geneva, Switzerland (Technical Reviewer) (link).
13. Knapp M, Cyhlarova E, Comas-Herrera A, Lorenz-Dant K (2021) Crystallising the Case for Deinstitutionalisation: COVID-19 and the Experiences of Persons with Disabilities. Care Policy and Evaluation Centre London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom (Case study C, p.19-20) (link).
14. Lorenz-Dant K, Comas-Herrera A, Docrat S, Schneider M, Jacobs R, Lopez-Ortega M, Gutiérrez Robledo LM, Amour R, Elias N, Nguyen T, Da Mata F, Ferri C, de Oliveira D, Mateus E, Franzon AC, Robinson J, Rajagopalan J, Alladi S, Pattabiraman M, Thomas PT, Narendhar R, Hurzuk S, Govia I, Lund C, Knapp M, and the STRiDE team (2021) STRiDE Baseline Case Vignettes. STRiDE Research Tool No.5 (version 2), Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, LSE, London (link).
15. Oliveira D, da Mata F (2020) Living report: COVID-19 and Long-Term Care in Brazil: Impact, Measures and Lessons Learned. International Long-Term Care Policy Network (link).
16. Wachholz PA, Ferri CP, Mateus E, da Mata F, Oliveira D (2020) The COVID-19 situation in Brazilian care homes and actions taken to mitigate infection and reduce mortality. International Long-Term Care Policy Network (link).
17. Ferri C, Mateus E, Oliveira D, da Mata F (2019) Case study 4.5: Stigma in Brazil: The narrative of a person with young-onset dementia. In: Evans-Lacko S, Bhatt J, Comas-Herrera A, D’Amico F, Farina N, Gaber S, Knapp M, Salcher-Konrad M, Stevens M, Wilson E. World Alzheimer Report 2019: Attitudes to Dementia. London: Alzheimer’s Disease International (p.116) (link).
1. Orrell M, Oliveira D, McDermott O, Verhey FRJ, Dassen FCM, Dröes RM (2022) Interdisciplinary Network for Dementia Utilising Current Technology. London: Routledge (Link).
2. Irving K, Hogervorst E, Oliveira D, Kivipelto M (2019) New Developments in Dementia Prevention Research: State of the Art and Future Possibilities. 1. ed. London: Routledge (Link).
1. Oliveira D, Taylor D, Taylor E, Jacobs R, Mateus E, Musyimi C, Mutunga E, Schneider M (2023 – in press) Dementia, disability, and global health. In: Ned L et al. (Eds) Handbook on Disability and Global Health. London: Routledge.
2. Oliveira D (2023 – in press) Stigma and discrimination related to dementia. In: Brucki S, Aprahamian I (Eds) Alzheimer’s Disease: Diagnosis and treatment. Sao Paulo: Manole.
3. Miranda-Castillo C, Tapia-Muñoz T, Oliveira D, Sáez S (2023) Depressive Disorders Among Family Caregivers of People Living with Dementia. In: Martínez V, Miranda-Castillo C. (eds) Prevention and Early Treatment of Depression Through the Life Course. Depression and Personality. Springer, Cham (link).
4. Irving K, Oliveira D, Hogervorst E (2019) Introduction. Em: Irving K, Hogervorst E, Oliveira D, Kivipelto M (Org.). New Developments in Dementia Prevention Research: State of the Art and Future Possibilities. 1ed. London: Routledge, p.12 (link).
5. Hogervorst E, Oliveira D, Brayne C. Lifestyle factors and dementia: Smoking, exercise and diet. Em: Irving K, Hogervorst E, Oliveira D, Kivipelto M (Org.). New Developments in Dementia Prevention Research: State of the Art and Future Possibilities. 1ed. London: Routledge, 2018, p.105 (link).
6. Irving K, Oliveira D, Hogervorst E (2019) Conclusion: A call to action. Em: Irving K, Hogervorst E, Oliveira D, Kivipelto M (Org.). New Developments in Dementia Prevention Research: State of the Art and Future Possibilities. 1ed. London: Routledge, 2018, p.200 (link).
7. Batistoni SST, Tomomitsu MSV, Vieira LA, Oliveira DC, Cabral BE, Araujo LF, Neri AL (2012) Home arrangements, social support, expectation of care and frailty. In: Neri AL (Org.). Frailty and quality of life in old age. Data from the Fiber Study in Belém, Parnaíba, Campina Grande, Poços de Caldas, Ermelino Matarazzo, Campinas and Ivoti. 1ed. Campinas: Alinea, p. 269 (link).