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Elizabeth Lemmon

University of Edinburgh

Elizabeth Lemmon

Elizabeth graduated from Stirling University in 2013 with a 1st Class Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Economics. Following this, she went onto the University of Edinburgh where she completed a Master of Science in Economics on the Scottish Graduate Programme for Economics (SGPE).  In 2014 she returned to the University of Stirling and obtained her PhD in Economics in April 2019.  Elizabeth also worked as a Research Assistant for one year, between 2015 and 2016, on the Healthy Ageing In Scotland (HAGIS) pilot study.

Currently, Elizabeth is a Research Fellow within the Health Economics Group of the Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit, working on the Colorectal Repository (CORECT-R) project with Dr Peter Hall. The CORECT-R project has established a UK-wide bowel cancer data repository for researchers to analyse the economic impact of bowel cancer in terms of diagnosis, treatments and outcomes.  Elizabeth will be working with this data to provide new evidence on a number of key economic aspects of bowel cancer including the costs of bowel cancer in different cohorts, the efficiency of screening programmes and the costs of different therapies for treatment.


Countries United Kingdom;
Topics Care inequalities; Data catalogues; Economics of LTC; Financing LTC; Information and data systems in LTC; Unpaid / informal care;
Methods Causal inference in Long-Term Care; Data science and LTC research; Quantitative data analysis;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Economics of Long-Term Care;
X (Twitter)
Other 1;
Research interests

Applied econometric analysis of both survey and administrative data; economic of ageing; unpaid care; long term care provision; use of health and care resources at the end of life; using administrative data to inform research, policy and practice.

Key publications
  • Bell D and Lemmon E. 2023. Chapter 8: The economics of long term care in the Routledge Handbook on the Economics of Ageing. Bloom, D.E., Sousa-Poza, A. and Sunde, eds. Taylor & Francis.
  • Diernberger K, Luta X, Bowden J, Droney J, Lemmon E, Tramonti G, Shinkins B, Gray E, Marti J, Hall PS (2023). Variation in hospital cost trajectories at the end of life by age, multimorbidity and cancer type. International Journal of Population Data Science. Jan 16;8(1):1768. DOI: org/10.23889%2Fijpds.v8i1.1768
  • R. Hanna, E. Lemmon, P.S. Hall, H. Ennis, E. Morris, P. McLoone, K.A. Boyd, R.J. Jones (2022), Cancer Trial Impact: Understanding Implementation of the Short Course Oncology Treatment (SCOT) Trial Findings in colorectal cancer at a National Level, Clinical Oncology, Volume 34, Issue 9, Pages 554-560, ISSN 0936-6555,
  • Lemmon, E, Hanna, C, Morris, E and Hall, P (2021). Health economic studies of colorectal cancer and the contribution of administrative data: A systematic review. European Journal of Cancer Care. DOI: I intellectually conceived and conducted this work, I carried out all of the data extraction and evidence synthesis. I wrote the majority of the paper.
  • Hanna, C., Lemmon, E. [joint first author], Ennis, H., Jones, R. , Hay, J., Halliday, R., Clark, S., Morris, E. and Hall, P. (2021) Creation of the first national linked colorectal cancer dataset in Scotland: prospects for future research and a reflection on lessons learned: Creation of Scottish colorectal cancer dataset for research purposes. International Journal of Population Data Science. DOI:
  • Lemmon, E. (2020). Utilisation of Personal Care Services in Scotland: The Influence of Unpaid Carers. Journal of Long-Term Care, (2020), pp.54–69. DOI:
  • Diernberger, K, Luta, X, Bowden, J, Fallon, M, Droney, J, Lemmon, E, Gray, E, Marti, J, Hall, PS (2020). Healthcare use and costs in the last year of life: a national population data linkage study. British Medical Journal of Supportive and Palliative Care. DOI:
  • Downing, A, Hall, P, Birch R, Lemmon, E, Rossington H, Boldison, E, Affleck P, Morris E (2020). Data Resource Profile: The COloRECTal cancer data Repository (CORECT-R). International Journal of Epidemiology. DOI: