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Ester Gubert

University of Trento

Ester Gubert

Ester Gubert is a PhD candidate in Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento, Italy. She is working on a comparative thesis on care trajectories for dependent older people in long-term care. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Social Work at the University of Ferrara and her master’s degree in Methodology, Organization and Evaluation of Social Services at the University of Trento. Her research focuses on social care for dependent older people, social policies to combat poverty and social inclusion policies. She developed these interests by working for one year as a research fellow at the University of Trento and two years as a research assistant at the European Research Institute of Social Economy.


Countries Italy;
Topics Access to care; Care inequalities; Care integration/ coordination; Care needs poverty and deprivation; Care trajectories; Community-based LTC; Dementia care and support; Ecosystems of care; LTC Policy; LTC Reforms; Unmet needs; Unpaid / informal care;
Methods Case studies; Comparative policy analysis; Creative research methods; Document analysis; Ethnography; Expert consultations; Literature reviews and synthesis; Policy analysis; Qualitative studies; Research ethics; Theory and frameworks;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Community-based approaches to dementia care; Long-Term Care Policy;
Other 1;
Key publications

Book contribution
Gori C. & Gubert E. (2022), Welfare (sistemi di), in: Campanini, A. (Ed.), Nuovo dizionario di servizio sociale, 3° edition, Roma, Carocci editore, pp.797-802.

Working paper
Gubert E. (2020), L’esperienza “La Cura è di Casa”: una partnership tra pubblico, privato e cittadinanza per l’innovazione del sostegno alla domiciliarità, Euricse Working Paper Series, 116|20 and Working Paper Percorsi di secondo welfare, 1|2020. Available at:

Research reports
Gubert E. & De Capite N. (2021), I percorsi di Inclusione sociale, in: Gori C., Pagniello & De Capite, Lotta alla povertà: imparare dall’esperienza, migliorare le risposte. Un monitoraggio plurale del Reddito di Cittadinanza, Caritas Italiana, Teramo, Edizioni Palumbi, pp.119-158. Available at:

Euricse (2021), Reti tra imprese per l’inserimento lavorativo. Applicabilità e potenzialità del contratto di rete, Euricse Research Reports, n. 21|2021, authors: C. Borzaga, M. Borzaga, S. Depedri, C. Ferrari, E. Gubert, P. Iamiceli & M. Mazzetti. Trento: Euricse. Available at:

Gori C. & Gubert E. (2020), L’indennità di accompagnamento, in: Network Non Autosufficienza (ed.), L’assistenza agli anziani non autosufficienti in Italia. 7° Rapporto 2020/2021. Punto di non ritorno, Santarcangelo di Romagna, Maggioli Editore, pp. 83-118. Available at:

Euricse (2020), La riforma del welfare anziani in provincia di Trento. Dal modello agli strumenti operativi della sua implementazione, Euricse Research Reports, n. 19|2020, authors: S. Depedri e E. Gubert, Trento, Euricse. Available at:

Euricse e Fap-Acli (2019), Integrazione nella filiera dei servizi agli anziani. Soluzioni innovative per il benessere dell’individuo e della famiglia, Euricse Research Report, authors: S. Depedri e E. Gubert, Trento, Euricse. Available at :