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Greer Van Zyl

WHO Centre for Health Development (WHO Kobe Centre)

Greer Van Zyl

I support communications at the WHO Kobe Centre (WHO Centre for Health Development), working with colleagues on Long-term Care and unmet needs in health and social care in older people, and health emergencies and disaster risk management research. I have a Masters in Public Health, specialising in social and behaviour change communication.


Countries Southern Africa;
Topics Care and social protection in Southern Africa; Care innovations; Financing LTC; Living arrangements; Loneliness among older people; LTC systems in LMIC countries; Person-centered care; Unmet needs;
Methods Data science and LTC research; Discourse analysis; Mixed methods; Observational studies; Research ethics; Surveys; Theory of Change;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Care and social protection in Southern Africa; Strengthening Responses to Dementia;
Other 1;
Research interests

Research translation, promoting the public understanding of science, communicating research

Key publications
  1. Greer van Zyl. “Scratching an itch: a new perspective on health communication in Africa”, Book Review, Journal of Science Communication, Vol 21, Issue 5, 2022
  2. Van Zyl, Greer & Christofides, Nicola. HEAIDS Report: ‘Future Beats’ Pilot Project Research Report, 2015. “Can campus radio and social media mobilise students to rediscover their risk?” Higher Education South Africa, Pretoria May 2015
  3. Van Zyl, G, Christofides N. International Nurses Day and press coverage in South Africa. International Nursing Review, 2014; 61 (2): 186-193
  4. Ndou T, Van Zyl G, Hlahane S, Goudge J. A rapid assessment of a community health worker pilot programme to improve the management of hypertension and diabetes in Emfuleni sub-district of Gauteng province, South Africa. Global Health Action, 2013 6: 213-218. (
  5. Van Zyl G and Christofides N. “Missing: the voice of nursing in the South African Press.” Gender and Media Diversity Journal, Issue 10, 2012: 123-130. ISBN: 978-1-920550-56-
    1. Van den Broucke S, Jooste J, Tlali M, Moodley V, Van Zyl GS, Nyamwaya D, Tang, KC.

    “Strengthening the capacity for health promotion in South Africa through international collaboration.”Global Health Promotion, 2010. 1757-9759; Supp (2): 01–10

  6. Yach, D; Paterson, G. “Tobacco advertising in South Africa with specific reference to magazines.” South African Medical Journal, 1994; 84 (12): 838-841.