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Hannah Kendrick

London School of Economics and Political Science

Hannah Kendrick

I am a Research Officer at the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science. I am currently working on an NIHR funded evaluation of the implementation and effectiveness of research-practice partnerships between academics and social care practitioners.  Prior to this role, I completed a PhD in Health and Organisational Research where I evaluated the implementation of health and social care integration policy at the local level.

My research interests include service and policy evaluation, integrated care, and research capacity building and evidence use within social care. I am also interested in applying sociological and organisational theory to study how managerial and organisational practices are shaped within political and structural contexts and what that means for everyday experiences, responses, and resistance of staff and those who use services.

I have methodological expertise in theory-based evaluation, critical discourse analysis, and qualitative/ethnographic research methods.


Countries UK;
Topics Care integration/ coordination; Co-production in LTC; Evaluation of LTC systems and services; Governance and LTC systems organisation; LTC Policy; LTC Workforce; New models of care;
Methods Discourse analysis; Ethnography; Qualitative studies; Theory and frameworks; Theory of Change;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Long-Term Care Policy;
Key publications

Boaz, A., Fitzsimons, B., Meakin, B., Muirhead, S., Williams, C., Weatherley, M., Knapp, M., Smith, L., Langley, J., Kendrick, H., Malley, J., & Bauer, A. (2023). Do Research Practice Partnerships offer a promising approach to producing knowledge that improves social care practice and outcomes? Journal of Long Term Care, 241–248.

Kendrick, H., & Mackenzie, E. (2023). Austerity and the shaping of the ‘waste watching’ health professional: A governmentality perspective on integrated care policy. SSM – Qualitative Research in Health, 3.

Malley, J., Bauer, A., Boaz, A., Kendrick, H., & Knapp, M. (2022). Theory-based evaluation of three research-practice partnerships designed to deliver novel, sustainable collaborations between adult social care research and practice in the UK: a research protocol for a layered’ contributions analysis and realist evaluation. BMJ Open, 12(11).