Joanna Marczak
Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science
Joanna Marczak
A university researcher interested in different areas of long-term care including care coordination, unpaid care, prevention and innovation in health and social care.
Countries | United Kingdom; |
Topics | Care innovations; Care integration/ coordination; Evaluation of LTC systems and services; Gender and care; LTC Policy; Unpaid / informal care; |
Methods | Comparative policy analysis; Document analysis; Qualitative studies; |
Role | Research; |
Interest Groups | Economics of Long-Term Care; Employment Education and Family carers; |
Research interests | Care coordination, unpaid care, prevention, innovation, LTC in England, LTC in Europe, LTC in Eastern Europe |
Key publications | Marczak, J., Fernandez, JL, Manthorpe, J., Brimblecombe, N. Moriarty, J. Knapp, M., Snell. T. (2021) How have the Care Act ambitions to support carers translated into local practice? Health and Social Care in the Community. Harlock, J., Caiels, J. Marczak,J. Peters, M., Fitzpatrick, R., Wistow, G. Forder, J. and Jones, K. (2020) Challenges in integrating health and social care: the Better Care Fund in England. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 25(2) pp. 86-93. DOI: 10.1177/1355819619869745 Marczak, J. Wistow, G. Fernandez, J.L. (2019) Evaluating social care prevention in England: challenges and opportunities. Journal of Long-term Care pp.206–217. DOI: 10.31389/jltc.32 Marczak, J. Wittenberg, R. Frisina Doetter, L. et al. (2019) Preventing loneliness and social isolation among older people. Eurohealth Observer 25(4). Marczak, J. Wistow, G. Fernandez, J.L. (2019) The development of a local framework for evaluating prevention effects in England. CPEC working paper 1. Marczak, J. Sigle, W, Coast, E. (2018) Grass is always greener: Childbearing intentions of Polish people in Poland and in the UK Population Studies: A Journal of Demography 72(2). DOI: 10.1080/00324728.2018.1439181 Marczak, J. (2018) The Care Act 2014 in England. Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarzadzanie (Public Health and Management). DOI: 10.4467/20842627OZ.17.023.7803 Marczak, J. Fernandez, JL, Wittenberg, R. (2017) Quality and cost-effectiveness in long-term care and dependency prevention: English policy landscape. CEQUA report Marczak J, Wistow G. (2015) Commissioning long –term care in OECD, in Gori C, Fernandez JL, Wittenberg R (eds) Long-Term Care Reforms in OECD Countries: Successes and Failures, Policy Press, Bristol |