José Augusto García Navarro
Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología
José Augusto García Navarro

I am a medical specialist in geriatrics and currently I am the president of the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology.
I have more than 20 years of experience in the management of public centers of primary health care, acute hospitals and intermediate care hospitals. I also have experience in the management of social centers for the care of elderly people with dependency.
I am a teacher in several public Spanish universities on the management of health and social services for the elderly.
I am part of the management board of the Catalan public health system and of several advisory councils for the formulation of policies for the care of elderly people, both in the health and social fields.
Countries | Europe; France; Germany; Latinamerica & Caribbean; Mexico; Netherlands; Portugal; Spain; Spain (Asturias); Spain (Basque Country); Spain (Catalonia); Sweden; Switzerland; United Kingdom; United Kingdom (England); United Kingdom (Northern Ireland); United Kingdom (Wales); United States; |
Topics | Ageing in place; Care Homes; Care inequalities; Care innovations; Care integration/ coordination; Care trajectories; Community-based LTC; COVID-19 and other infectious diseases and LTC; Deinstitutionalisation; End-of-life care and LTC; Epidemiology and ageing trajectories; Evaluation of LTC systems and services; Financing LTC; Governance and LTC systems organisation; Home/domiciliary care; Housing and care; Information and data systems in LTC; LTC Reforms; LTC systems in LMIC countries; LTC Workforce; New models of care; Person-centered care; Prevention and rehabilitation and LTC; Public procurement; Residential LTC services; Social Innovation in LTC; |
Methods | Case studies; Comparative policy analysis; Cost analysis; Delphi surveys; Expert consultations; Quantitative data analysis; Questionnaire; Surveys; |
Role | Practice; |
Interest Groups | Care home markets and regulation; Long-Term Care in Spain; Long-Term Care Policy; Strengthening Responses to Dementia; |
Website | |
ORC.ID | 0000-0002-2382-0146 | | |
Other 1 |; |
Research interests | I am interested in the research on long-term care policies for older people with dependency, with a special focus on the processes of deinstitutionalization and the enhancement of home-based and community-based models. |
Key publications | Recommendations for the prevention of healthcare-associated infections in nursing homes |