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Joseba Zalakain

SIIS Fundación Eguia Careaga

Joseba Zalakain

I have a degree in Information Sciences from the University of the Basque Country (1991) and a Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in Social Work from the Public University of Navarre (2004). I have been working since 1996 at the SIIS of the Eguía Careaga Foundation, a think tank specialised in the analysis of social policies located in the Basque Country (Spain). I have participated in different research on social services, poverty, social exclusion, long-term care, ageing and disability. I have also participated in the design and management of several social services observatories. I have participated in the elaboration of the social services, family and homelessness strategies of the Basque Government, as well as in several plans on minimum income against poverty.
I have been part of the Advisory Council of the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare and I am currently part of the Civil Dialogue Roundtable on Long-term Care of the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, as well as of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Social Policy Network (REPS). I have collaborated in the Master’s Degree in intervention with people in situations of vulnerability and social exclusion at the University of Deusto and in the University Specialisation Course in management and innovation in social services at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU).


Countries Spain; Spain (Basque Country);
Topics Ageing in place; Care economy; Care inequalities; Community-based LTC; Data catalogues; Deinstitutionalisation; Economics of LTC; Ecosystems of care; Evaluation of LTC systems and services; Financing LTC; Governance and LTC systems organisation; Information and data systems in LTC; Long term care subsidies; LTC Policy; LTC Reforms; Outcome measurement in LTC; Person-centered care; Quality regulation and accreditation for LTC services; Research gaps and priorities in LTC; Survey measures;
Methods Analysis of administrative data; Comparative policy analysis; Document analysis; Knowledge-exchange; Literature reviews and synthesis; Policy analysis; Surveys; Systematic Review;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Care home markets and regulation; Economics of Long-Term Care; Long-Term Care in Spain; Long-Term Care Policy;
X (Twitter)
Research interests

Personalisation of care
Financing of social services
Inequalities in access to long-term care
Direct payments and personal budgets
Long-term care information systems
Identification and dissemination of evidence
Needs surveys
Quality management in the long-term care field
Intergenerational justice

Key publications

Zalakain, Joseba. 2016a. «Informe sobre la situación de los centros residenciales para personas mayores en Gipuzkoa»,. SIIS Centro de Documentación y Estudios / Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa.

Zalakain, Joseba. 2016b. «La situación de los servicios sociales municipales en Euskadi. Situación actual y propuestas de mejora». SIIS Centro de Documentación y Estudios / Ararteko.

Zalakain, Joseba. 2020. «Algunas pistas para la mejora del sistema de atención a la dependencia en España». Zerbitzuan.

Zalakain, Joseba. 2021a. «Envejecimiento y atención a la dependencia en los territorios de Euskal Herria». Eusko Ikaskuntza.

Zalakain, Joseba. 2021b. «Guía para la personalización de los Servicios Sociales en Gipuzkoa. Elementos y recomendaciones para transitar hacia servicios más personalizados». Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa.

Zalakain, Joseba. 2022a. La atención integral y centrada en la persona. Fundamentos y aplicaciones en el modelo de apoyos y cuidados Costes, gastos y financiación de servicios relacionados con la atención a la dependencia.

Zalakain, Joseba. 2022b. «La organización de los servicios de atención a la dependencia en Europa». Zerbitzuan.

Zalakain, Joseba. 2022c. «Suficiencia, adecuación y gestión de la calidad en el marco del sistema español de atención a la dependencia». Zerbitzuan.

Zalakain, Joseba. 2023. «Revisió d’experiències internacionals i estatals d’innovació a l’atenció domiciliària.» Diputación de Barcelona.

Zalakain, Joseba. 2024. El Sistema Vasco de Servicios Sociales. Estructura, recursos y perspectivas Características, fundamentos, estructura y gobernanza del Sistema Vasco de Servicios Sociales.

Zalakain, Joseba y Javier Yanguas. 2023. Gobierno Vasco A la búsqueda de una conversación y un debate público sobre el futuro de las relaciones intergeneracionales en Euskadi.