Judy Lowthian
Bolton Clarke Research Institute
Judy Lowthian

I lead Australia’s largest independent not-for-profit aged and community care provider’s multidisciplinary research team in the Bolton Clarke Research Institute. We implement and evaluate sustainable models of care, underpinned by codesign principles and data analytics. Our positive ageing focus optimises health and wellbeing, whilst integrating coordinated transitions through life and the care continuum, to enable and support people to a life of fulfilment.
Global citizenship extends to being a current Board Director and Vice-Chair of a regional Victorian health service, Advisory Board member of Ending Loneliness Together, Australian Primary Care Nurses Association Workforce Survey Advisory Board member, member of the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation Frailty Expert Advisory Group, senior member of the Australian Association of Gerontology Research Trust Grants Committee, alongside participation in various taskforces and conference planning committees.
Countries | Australia; |
Topics | Ageing in place; Care innovations; Care integration/ coordination; Care outcomes; Care trajectories; Co-production in LTC; Epidemiology and ageing trajectories; Evaluation of LTC systems and services; New models of care; Outcome measurement in LTC; Person-centered care; Relationship between LTC use and hospital use; Research gaps and priorities in LTC; Social Innovation in LTC; Unpaid / informal care; |
Methods | Analysis of administrative data; Co-production methods; Creative research methods; Data science and LTC research; Longitudinal data analysis; Mixed methods; Observational studies; Qualitative studies; Quasi-experimental methods; Research ethics; |
Role | Research; |
Interest Groups | Community-based approaches to dementia care; Data Science; Long-Term Care Policy; |
Website | https://www.boltonclarke.com.au/about-us/BCRI/research-team/professor-judy-lowthian/ |
ORC.ID | 0000-0002-9780-5256 |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/judy-lowthian-362b6b133/ | |
Research interests | My research expertise in mixed methods research including codesign, epidemiological analysis of big data, embedded pragmatic and randomised controlled trials, implementation science and program evaluation, has enabled leadership of multidisciplinary gerontological health services research encompassing emergency care, hospital-to-home care transitions, frailty, cognitive impairment and dementia, loneliness, palliative care, and implementation of new models of care with a focus on patient and family experience. |
Key publications | Robinson, E., ….. & Lowthian, J. A. Adaptation and Implementation of a Volunteer-delivered, Telephone-based, Social Support Program HOW-R-U? during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pragmatic Study. The Gerontologist. DOI:10.1093/geront/gnae034 Joe A, …. & Lowthian JA. Australian retirement village residents: wellbeing profile and factors associated with low wellbeing. Ageing and Society 2023 DOI:10.1017/S0144686X23000144 Meyer C, …. & Lowthian JA. A co-designed fit-for-purpose implementation framework for aged care. J Eval Clin Prac. 2 Feb 2022; 28 (3) DOI: 10.1111/jep.13660 Lowthian JA, …& Rose M. Being Your Best: Protocol for a feasibility study of a co-designed approach to reduce symptoms of frailty in people aged 65 years or more, after transition from hospital. BMJ Open 2021 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-043223 |