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Krystal Warmoth

University of Hertfordshire

Krystal Warmoth

I am a Senior Research Fellow working with the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) East of England at the University of Hertfordshire. I contribute to projects that focus on Ageing and Multi-Morbidity. I currently lead the STOPPING project which aims to inform the development of a deprescribing (the reducing or stopping of medicines) approach for older people in care homes and funded by NIHR RfPB. I am also undertaking a THIS Institute fellowship which aims to co-produce a vision for primary care that enables consistent access to healthcare that reflects care home residents’ needs and priorities and how that can be achieved within current structures and resources.

Since completing my PhD in 2015, I have worked in both the United States of America and the United Kingdom. I have contributed to several different projects involving care homes, psychosocial interventions, implementation, rehabilitation, behaviour change, palliative care, and public health.


Countries United Kingdom;
Topics Access to care; Attitudes and Expectations about Long-Term Care; Care integration/ coordination; Healthcare access in LTC; Person-centered care; Residential LTC services;
Methods Mixed methods; Qualitative studies; Systematic Review; Theory and frameworks; Theory of Change;
Role Research;
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Research interests
  • Older people with complex health needs
  • care homes
  • frailty
  • multimorbidity
  • medicines optimisation
Key publications

Warmoth, K., Rees, J., Day, J., Cockcroft, E., Aylward, A., Pollock, L., Coxon, G., Craig, T., Walton, B., & Stein, K. (2023). Determinants of Implementing Deprescribing for Older Adults in English Care Homes: A Qualitative Study, BMJ Open,13, e081305. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-081305

Warmoth, K., Bennett, C., Lynch, J., & Goodman, C., (2023). Using online consultations to facilitate health and social care delivery during Covid-19: an interview study of care home staff, Journal of Long-term Care,100-109. doi: 10.31389/jltc.184

Warmoth, K. & Goodman, C. (2022). Models of care and relationships with care homes: cross-sectional survey of English general practices, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(22), 14774. doi: 10.3390/ijerph192214774 

Warmoth, K., Lynch, J., Darlington, N., Bunn, F., & Goodman, C. (2022). Using videoconferencing and communication technology between care homes and health and social care professionals: a scoping review and interview study during COVID-19 pandemic, Age & Ageing, 51(2), afab279. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afab279 

Warmoth, K., Tarrant, M., Phoenix, C., Abraham, & Lang, I. (2016). Older adults’ perceptions of ageing and their health and functioning: a systematic review of observational studies. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 21(5), 531-550, doi: 10.1080/13548506.2015.1096946 

Warmoth, K., Lang, I., Phoenix, C., Abraham, C., Andrew, M. K., Hubbard, R. E. & Tarrant, M. (2015). “Thinking you’re old and frail”: a qualitative study of frailty in older adults. Ageing & Society. 36(7), 1483-1500, doi: 10.1017/S0144686X1500046X