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Laura Sánchez-Cambronero Cejudo

Head of Area/Council of Health - Madrid

Laura Sánchez-Cambronero Cejudo

Degree in Medicine and Surgery (2004) and specialist in Clinical Microbiology and Parasitology and Infectious Diseases (2009) Career Civil Servant of the Titular Medical Corp (2011).

In the field of socio-health coordination, I started working in 2024 at the General Subidrectorate of Socio-health Planning of the Council of Health (Community of Madrid). I currently hold the position of Head of Area of the Socio-health Planning Area. The main work I develop is related to the technical support to the coordination of socio-health activities carried out by Council of Health and Council of Family, Youth and Social Affairs. I participate in working groups to assess and develop protocols and guides in order to achieve integrated social and health care of people.

I also collaborate in the promotion and planning of the organization of medium and long-stay hospitals in coordination with the Hospitals. One of the main line of work is long-term care of ALS patients.

Additionally, I have taught clases in the Master’s degree in public health from the National Health School, Master’s degree from the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), training courses for the Titular Medical Corp and continuous training courses for Foreign Health Proffesionals, among others.


Countries Spain;
Topics Care integration/ coordination; Governance and LTC systems organisation; Implementation; New models of care; Person-centered care;
Methods Guidelines development; Knowledge-exchange; Political decisions analysis;
Role Practice;
Interest Groups Long-Term Care in Spain;