Lilis Heri Mis Cicih
Universitas Indonesia and Universitas MH Thamrin
Lilis Heri Mis Cicih

Lilis is senior researcher and Lecturer in Economic Faculty and Business, University of Indonesia, also she is a lecturer at Mater Degree Faculty of Health, Universitas MH Thamrin.
She is an expert in ageing, demography, health policy, community development.
Countries | Indonesia; |
Topics | Ageing in place; Artificial Intelligence; Attitudes and Expectations about Long-Term Care; Care economy; Care Homes; Care inequalities; Care integration/ coordination; Care needs poverty and deprivation; Climate Change and LTC; Community-based LTC; COVID-19 and other infectious diseases and LTC; Data catalogues; Economics of LTC; End-of-life care and LTC; Epidemiology and ageing trajectories; Ethics and care; Evaluation of LTC systems and services; Financing LTC; Gender and care; Healthcare access in LTC; Housing and care; Implementation; Living arrangements; Loneliness among older people; Long term care subsidies; LTC and people with learning disabilities; LTC and people with mental health conditions; LTC and younger people; LTC insurance; LTC Policy; LTC Reforms; LTC Systems; LTC Workforce; Prevention and rehabilitation and LTC; Primary Health Care; Provider sector; Quality regulation and accreditation for LTC services; Research gaps and priorities in LTC; Residential LTC services; Rights and people’s voices in LTC systems; Social connection; Social Innovation in LTC; Social Insurance; Social Protection; Stigma and discrimination; Technology and LTC; |
Methods | Analysis of administrative data; Assessment tool development; Case studies; Causal inference in Long-Term Care; Cost analysis; Creative research methods; Data science and LTC research; Economic evaluation; Ethnography; Expert consultations; Grounded Theory; Implementation science; Knowledge-exchange; Literature reviews and synthesis; Longitudinal data analysis; Panel data analysis; Policy analysis; Political decisions analysis; Practice-based approaches; Quantitative data analysis; Research ethics; Systematic Review; Thematic analysis; Theory and frameworks; Theory of Change; |
Role | Research; |
Interest Groups | Ageing and Place; Care home markets and regulation; Climate Change and LTC; Data Science; Employment Education and Family carers; Long-Term Care Policy; Migration Mobility and Care Workers; Technology and Long-Term Care; Unmet need inequalities and care poverty (UNICAP); Workforce Capacity and Capability; Working Conditions and Wages in Long-Term Care; |
Research interests | ageing, demography, health policy, |
Key publications | Health system of older person Loneliness of older person Working life expectancy of older person in Indonesia Labor Force Participation of Older Person in Indonesia Second Demographic and ageing in Indonesia |