Long Giang
College of Economics and Public Management, National Economics University
Long Giang

THANH-LONG GIANG is currently an Professor at National Economics University; a Senior Researcher at Institute of Social and Medical Studies (ISMS); and an Affiliate Research Fellow of Oxford Institute of Population Ageing at the University of Oxford (UK).
Prof. Long’s research interests include the economics of aging, particularly in pension and health insurance. His research outcomes have been published widely, including Ageing & Society; Asian Economic Journal; Asia Pacific Economic Literature; Development and Change; International Social Science Journal; and Social Science and Medicine.
Prof. Long was an independent advisor to MOLISA in revising the Social Insurance Law 2014, which was approved by the National Assembly in late June 2024. He was a member of the drafting team for the Vietnam’s Social Protection Strategy 2011-2020; a key member of taskforce and research group for reforming social assistance system in Vietnam 2017-2021 and social insurance reforms in 2017-2025 with a vision to 2050. He has been a consultant for other line ministries such as MOF, MOH, and MPI. For the international organizations, Prof. Long has been a consultant for Asian Development Bank (ADB), German Technical Cooperation Agency (GIZ), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), ILO, UNDP, UNCEF, UNFPA, WHO, and the World Bank.
He earned a MA degree in public policy from Hitotsubashi University, Japan; a PhD degree in public policy from National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Japan.
Countries | Vietnam; |
Topics | Ageing in place; Care economy; Care needs poverty and deprivation; Economics of LTC; Financing LTC; Gender and care; Governance and LTC systems organisation; Living arrangements; Loneliness among older people; LTC insurance; LTC Policy; LTC Systems; Pensions; Social connection; Social Insurance; Social Protection; Survey measures; Unmet needs; |
Methods | Actuarial methods; Mixed methods; Policy analysis; Projections; Quantitative data analysis; Surveys; Theory of Change; |
Role | Research; |
Interest Groups | Ageing and Place; Climate Change and LTC; Economics of Long-Term Care; Long-Term Care Policy; Quasi-experimental methods; Technology and Long-Term Care; Unmet need inequalities and care poverty (UNICAP); |
Website | https://en.neu.edu.vn/ |
ORC.ID | 0000-0002-6296-0563 |
GOOGLE SCHOLAR | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=uxCXUr8AAAAJ&view_op=list_works |
Research interests |
Key publications | BOOKS – selected Sole-edited / co-edited Books
Published Articles – selected