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Ludovico Carrino

University of Trieste

Ludovico Carrino

Ludovico Carrino is a Senior Lecturer of Public Economics at the University of Trieste and Visiting Professor at King’s College London. He has worked as External Consultant on the Public Economics of health and ageing for the World Health Organisation (Kobe Centre for Health Development).

His research is focused on applied public economics, covering topics such as Long-Term Care for older individuals, the Economics of Ageing and Pensions, as well as Welfare Economics and Multi-dimensional measurement of Wellbeing and Quality of Life. Most of Ludovico’s works employ quantitative methods on large survey data to measure the causal impact of public policies on well-being and quality of life.

He has co-authored books on the Economics of Long-Term Care for Palgrave-MacMillan and Cambridge University Press. He is a co-investigator for the Gateway To Global Aging project (, and local unit leader at the University of Trieste. His research has been published in leading journals in Economics, Sociology and Epidemiology, such as the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Health Economics, Labour Economics, the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Social Science & Medicine, European Societies, Health Policy, the American Journal of Epidemiology and the Journal of Gerontology.


Countries International;
Topics Access to care; Ageing in place; Attitudes and Expectations about Long-Term Care; Autonomy; Care economy; Care inequalities; Care needs poverty and deprivation; Care outcomes; Care trajectories; Data catalogues; Data science; Dementia care and support; Economics of LTC; Epidemiology and ageing trajectories; Evaluation of LTC systems and services; Financing LTC; Gender and care; Governance and LTC systems organisation; Home/domiciliary care; Housing and care; Information and data systems in LTC; Living arrangements; Long term care subsidies; LTC and people with mental health conditions; LTC and younger people; LTC insurance; LTC Policy; LTC Reforms; LTC Systems; LTC systems in LMIC countries; Outcome measurement in LTC; Outcomes for unpaid/informal carers; Research gaps and priorities in LTC; Social Protection; Stigma and discrimination; Survey measures; Technology and LTC; Unmet needs; Unpaid / informal care;
Methods Causal inference in Long-Term Care; Cost analysis; Data science and LTC research; Discrete choice experiments; Economic evaluation; Expert consultations; Longitudinal data analysis; Panel data analysis; Policy analysis; Quantitative data analysis; Quasi-experimental methods; Questionnaire; Simulation models;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Data Science; Economics of Long-Term Care; Long-Term Care Policy; Quasi-experimental methods;
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