Makandwe Nyirenda
South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)
Makandwe Nyirenda

Research Scientist at the South African Medical Research Council, and honorary senior lecturer in the School of Public Health and Nursing, University of KwaZulu-Natal. Trained in Demography and social statistics. Skilled in both quantitative and qualitative research methods, with extensive experience in biomedical clinical trials, socio-behavioural observational studies and longitudinal surveillance systems. Main research interests are around the health and well-being of older adults, intersection of non-communicable and communicable diseases in older persons, and sexuality and sexual health in older adults.
Countries | South Africa; Zambia; |
Topics | Access to care; Ageing in place; Artificial Intelligence; Attitudes and Expectations about Long-Term Care; Care and social protection in Southern Africa; Care economy; Care in rural and other non-urban settings; Care inequalities; Care integration/ coordination; Care needs poverty and deprivation; Care outcomes; Care work and migration; Climate Change and LTC; COVID-19 and other infectious diseases and LTC; Data science; Economics of LTC; Employment education and family carers; Epidemiology and ageing trajectories; Evaluation of LTC systems and services; Healthcare access in LTC; Housing and care; Infection prevention; Living arrangements; Long term care subsidies; LTC and people with mental health conditions; LTC and younger people; LTC Policy; New models of care; Outcome measurement in LTC; Primary Health Care; Research gaps and priorities in LTC; Social Innovation in LTC; Stigma and discrimination; Survey measures; Technology and LTC; Unmet needs; Unpaid / informal care; |
Methods | Analysis of administrative data; Case studies; Creative research methods; Data science and LTC research; Document analysis; Literature reviews and synthesis; Longitudinal data analysis; Measure validation; Mixed methods; Panel data analysis; Qualitative studies; Quantitative data analysis; Quasi-experimental methods; Questionnaire; Systematic Review; Thematic analysis; Theory and frameworks; Time series analysis; Trials and other evaluations; |
Role | Research; |
Interest Groups | Care and social protection in Southern Africa; Climate Change and LTC; Data Science; Economics of Long-Term Care; Employment Education and Family carers; Long-Term Care Policy; Migration Mobility and Care Workers; Pain in Care Homes; Quasi-experimental methods; |
ORC.ID | |
Key publications | Nyirenda, M., Sukazi, S., Buthelezi, C., & Hanass-Hancock, J. (2023). A frightening experience, especially at our age”: Examining the neglect and abuse of older persons in HIV prevention and care programs. Frontiers in Public Health 2023, 11. doi: Nyirenda, M., Mnqonywa, N., Tutshana, B., Naidoo, J., Kowal, P., & Negin, J. (2022). An analysis of the relationship between HIV risk self-perception with sexual behaviour and HIV status in South African older adults. African Journal of AIDS Research 2022, 21(3). doi: Nyirenda, M. (2021). Assessment of cardiovascular disease risks using Framingham risk scores (FRS) in HIV-positive and HIV-negative older adults in South Africa. Preventive Medicine Reports, 22, 101352. doi: Nyirenda, M., Newell, M.-L. L., Mugisha, J., Mutevedzi, P. C., Seeley, J., Scholten, F., & Kowal, P. (2013). Health, wellbeing, and disability among older people infected or affected by HIV in Uganda and South Africa. Global Health Action, 6(1), 19201-19201. doi:10.3402/gha.v6i0.19201 Nyirenda, M., Evandrou, M., Mutevedzi, P., Hosegood, V., Falkingham, J., & Newell, M.-L. (2013). Who cares? Implications of care-giving and -receiving by HIV-infected or -affected older people on functional disability and emotional wellbeing. Ageing & Society, FirstView, 1-34. doi:10.1017/S0144686X13000615 Nyirenda, M., Chatterji, S., Rochat, T., Mutevedzi, P., & Newell, M. L. (2013). Prevalence and correlates of depression among HIV-infected and -affected older people in rural South Africa. Journal of Affective Disorders, 151(1), 31-38. doi: Nyirenda, M., Chatterji, S., Falkingham, J., Mutevedzi, P., Hosegood, V., Evandrou, M., . . . Newell, M.-L. (2012). An investigation of factors associated with the health and well-being of HIV-infected or HIV-affected older people in rural South Africa. BMC public health, 12. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-12-259 |