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Manuel Montero Rey


Manuel Montero Rey

Degree in Law . Complutense University of Madrid
1990 “Spanish Participation in the European Social Policy”. Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Madrid
1991 “Freedom of persons’s traffic in the EU”. INAP (National Institute of Public Administration). Madrid
1992 CEDEFOP (European Centre for Vocational Training Development) study visit. Hosted by Centre for Training Policy Studies, University of Sheffield. “Training for SME’s” Birmingham (UK)
1995 “European Union” Training course of Diplomatic School. Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Madrid
1995 CEDEFOP study visit. Hosted by Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft “New technologies in training”. Cologne (Germany)
1998 CEDEFOP study visit. Hosted by PROTEUS “Training for young people” Londonderry (UK)
2000 Workshop “State aid policy and practice in the EU: an integrative and interactive approach” EIPA (European Institute of Public Administration) Maastricht (Netherlands).
2001 Workshop “Towards effective and transparent state aid control: recent policy issues” EIPA. Maastricht (Netherlands)
2002 CEDEFOP study visit. Hosted by Irish Ministry of Labour “Vocational training for older people”. Dublin
2002 High level expert meeting Argentina- Spain. “Cooperation for build up a national plan for vocational training in Argentina”. Buenos Aires
2007 Master “Labour relations in Europe and social dialogue” Complutense Institute for International Sudies. Madrid
2011 International Research Workshop “The role of Social Services of General Interest (SSGIs) in EU Law: New Challenges and Tensions” Faculty of Law. University of Copenhaguen

Since 2007 I have been working in Imserso (Institut for Older People and Social Services) as Head of International Service.
Member of the Working Group on Incapable Adults of the Family Law Experts Committee. Council of Europe 2008-2010 Strasbourg (France)
Expert in the Peer Review “Combining choice, quality and opportunities in the social services” (Copenhaguen, april 2009)
Speaker, in the Seminar “Long term care for the elderly” co-organized by the Israel Ministry of Social Affairs and the European Centre for Social Welfare and Research of Vienna, attached to the United Nations (Jerusalem, september 2009)
During the Swedish Presidency of the EU Council, I’ve participated as speaker in the following Conferences: “Healthy and Dignified ageing” and What does gender equality mean for economic growth and employment? (Stockholm, September/October 2009)
Panellist in the Conference “Combating social exclusion for the elderly”, organized by the Polish Ministry for Social Affairs (Warsaw, September 2010)
In the framework of United Nations, I’ve been working as expert in the Commission for Social Development: 47th to 62th sessions (New York, 2009 – 2024 ). dealed with the Resolution about the appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA)
Representative of IMSERSO in the drafting of Spanish report for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and participation in the presentation of the Spanish report to the UN Human Rights Council
(Geneva, may 2010)
Spain’s representative in the Standing Working Group on Ageing (Geneva, 2009-2024) and in its Bureau, (Bratislava 2009/ Malta 2010/Madrid 2011/ Brussels 2012/Belgrade 2013/Malta 2014/ Gdansk 2015/ Oslo 2016/Istanbul 2023/Rome2024)
Speaker in the Expert Meeting on Innovative Policies for Senior Citizens, organized by the Federal Ministry for Familiy Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Berlin, November 2012)
Speaker in the Conference “Strengthening the Rights of Older People Worldwide”, organized by HelpAge International. Osnabrück (Germany) December 2012
Member of the Drafting Group on the Human Rights of Older Persons. Steering Committee for Human Rights. Council of Europe. Strasbourg (France) 2012-2013
Representative of Spain in the National Coordinators Group of the European Year for Active Ageing-2012. European Commission.(Brussels 2011-2013)
Representative of Spain in the National Coordinators Group of the European Year for Active Ageing-2012. European Commission.(Brussels 2011-2013)
Representative of Spain in the European Center for Social Welfare and Research attached to United Nations (Vienna 2009-2024)
Speaker in the Peer Review “Latest reforms of the Long-Term Care System”, as Representative of Spain. (Berlin, January 2018)
Participation as expert in the OEWGA (Open Ended Working Group on Ageing) of United Nations (New York 2011-2024)
Representative of Spain in the Working Group on Long-term Care within Social Protection Committee of the European Union (Brussels, 2019-2021)


Countries Europe;
Topics Access to care; Ageing in place; Attitudes and Expectations about Long-Term Care; Care economy; Care in rural and other non-urban settings; Care innovations; Care needs poverty and deprivation; Cash benefits; Deinstitutionalisation; Ethics and care; Financing LTC; Gender and care; Governance and LTC systems organisation; Implementation; Intergenerational approaches; LTC Policy; LTC Reforms; LTC Systems; Person-centered care; Public procurement; Rights and people’s voices in LTC systems; Social Protection;
Methods Case studies; Discourse analysis; Economic evaluation; Expert consultations; Guidelines development; Legal analysis; Participatory research methods; Pilot study; Policy analysis; Political decisions analysis; Practice-based approaches; Questionnaire; Surveys; Theory of Change; Translation and cultural adaptation of instruments;
Role Advocacy;
Interest Groups Ageing and Place; Economics of Long-Term Care; Long-Term Care in Spain; Long-Term Care Policy; Migration Mobility and Care Workers; Quality improvement in Long-Term Care; Workforce Capacity and Capability;