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Marina Nistotskaya

University of Gothenburg

Marina Nistotskaya

I am a political scientist interested in how political institutions affect human wellbeing. My research focuses on Weberian (meritocratic) public bureaucracy, state capacity, taxation and provision of complex social services. My research mostly utilises statistical methods, but also case study methodology, particularly comparative historical comparison.


Countries Sweden;
Topics Care Homes; COVID-19 and other infectious diseases and LTC;
Methods Analysis of administrative data; Causal inference in Long-Term Care; Panel data analysis;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Care home markets and regulation;
Key publications

Broms, R., Dahlström, C., Najar, J., & Nistotskaya, M. (2024). COVID-19 Mortality and the Structural Characteristics of Long-Term Care Facilities: Evidence from Sweden. Public Performance & Management Review, 47(2), 505–533.

Broms R., Dahlström C., Nistotskaya, M. (2024) Provider Ownership and Indicators of Service Quality: Evidence from Swedish Residential Care Homes, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Volume 34, Issue 1, January 2024, Pages 150–163,