Moira Dunsmore
University of Sydney, Faculty of Medicine and Health
Moira Dunsmore

Dr Moira Dunsmore (RN BN Post-Grad. Dip. Public Health PhD) is an early career researcher with transdisciplinary experience in nursing, public health, and health social science. She is currently senior lecturer in the Susan Wakil School of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney, with a focus on population/public health, social determinants of health, primary health care, health care systems and health policy.
Countries | Australia; |
Topics | Access to care; Ageing in place; Autonomy; Care economy; Care Homes; Care inequalities; Care innovations; Co-production in LTC; Community-based LTC; Ethics and care; Healthcare access in LTC; New models of care; Primary Health Care; Research gaps and priorities in LTC; Social Innovation in LTC; Social Protection; Stigma and discrimination; |
Methods | Co-production methods; Focus groups; Literature reviews and synthesis; Mixed methods; Qualitative studies; Research ethics; Surveys; Thematic analysis; Theory and frameworks; |
Role | Research; |
Interest Groups | Community-based approaches to dementia care; Employment Education and Family carers; Long-Term Care Policy; |
Website | |
ORC.ID | 0000-0001-6394-2781 |
Research interests | Dr Dunsmore’s research focus is on the social experiences of community-dwelling older persons, particularly in the emerging area of dual sensory impairment (DSI) in older adults. This research adopts an intersectional lens to ageing and disability, and explores social capital and stigma in ageing, as well as dyadic relationships, the carer role and social networks of older adults with DSI living in the community. Moira is developing national and international research collaborations in dual sensory impairment (DSI) in older adults. From early 2011, her appointment as Research Associate at Menzies Centre for Health Policy and Economics at Sydney University on the Vision Hearing Project (NHMRC) developed networks with service providers such as, Vison Australia, and experience with mixed methods and qualitative research. Moira’s key aim is to co-design research to better integrate health and social care for those with DSI, and their carers, and influence policy recognition of the health and social experiences of DSI in older adults. She is co-chair of the international Dual-SIG research and practice group, co-author of the forthcoming book Dual Sensory Impairment in older adults:an invisible epidemic (Lived Places Publishing, New York) and co-investigator on a number of research projects related to DSI in older adults. |
Key publications | Dunsmore, ME. & Watharow, AM. Dual Sensory Impairment and Older Adults: an invisible epidemic. Lived Places Publishing, New York (publication July 2024) Dunsmore, ME., Wiseman, T. and Randall, S. (2024) Bridging the gap for undergraduate nursing student and academics in learning in a remote area placement: A descriptive qualitative study. Journal of Nurse Education Tyagi, V., Saravanos, G., Dunsmore, M., Power, T. and McCormac, B. (2024) Planetary health and person-centred healthcare practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing DOI: 10.1111/jan.16153 Dunsmore, ME., Watharow, A-M, and Schneider J, (2024) An invisible disability: Communication, patient safety and Dual Sensory Impairment in older persons. Journal of Advanced Nursing doi: 10.1111/jan.16159 Dunsmore, M. (2022) An Invisible Disability: navigating the enduring state of dual sensory impairment (DSI) in older age. (Published abstract) Dunsmore ME, Schneider J, McKenzie H and Gillespie JA (2020) The Effort of Caring: The Caregivers’ Perspective of Dual Sensory Impairment. Front. Educ. 5:572201. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2020.572201 Dunsmore, M. (2019) Understanding the social implications of dual sensory impairment (DSI) in the older Australian. (Published abstract) McMahon, C., Schneider, J., Dunsmore, M., Gopinath, B., Kifley, A., Mitchell, P., Wang, J., Leeder, S. (2017). Screening, Education, and Rehabilitation Services for Hearing Loss Provided to Clients with Low Vision: Measured and Perceived Value among Participants of the Vision-Hearing Project. Ear and Hearing, 38(1), 57-64. Schneider, J., Dunsmore, M., McMahon, C., Gopinath, B., Kifley, A., Mitchell, P., Leeder, S., Wang, J. (2014). Improving Access to Hearing Services for People with Low Vision: Piloting a “Hearing Screening and Education Model” of Intervention. Ear and Hearing, 35(4), e153-e161.