Nathalie DE WULF
International Social Security Association (ISSA)
Nathalie DE WULF

I. Professional experiences
01/10/2020 – Present: International Social Security Association (ISSA) (Geneva, Switzerland)
Coordinator Health
ISSA is the world’s leading international organization for social security institutions, government departments and agencies. Founded in 1927 under the auspices of the ILO, the ISSA counts more than 330 member organizations in over 160 countries.
My responsibilities include representing ISSA globally, providing policy analysis and strategic advisory services to member organizations in social security, health, and return-to-work rehabilitation. I organize webinars and events, conduct research and draft analyses (e.g. Long-term care in the context of population ageing: a rights-based approach to universal coverage), as:
• Coordinator of the Technical Commission for Medical Care and Sickness Insurance (TC Health)
• Coordinator of the ISSA Working Group on Rehabilitation (IWGR)
• Project Manager of the ISSA Activities on Long-term care (LTC), drafting new ISSA Guidelines on Administrative Solutions for LTC services
01/01/2020-30/06/2020: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (Paris, France), Policy Analyst, Seconded Expert. In combination with my role at EHFCN (outlined below), I held a part-time position at the OECD Public Sector Integrity Division, conducting research on Conflicts of Interest in the healthcare sector.
01/11/2014 – 30/09/2020: European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption Network (EHFCN) (Brussels, Belgium), Managing Director, External Relations Manager.
As Managing Director from 2018 to 2020, my responsibilities included leading research on healthcare fraud, organizing international conferences and meetings for stakeholders, collaborating with WHO, ISSA, OECD, EU, and defining EHFCN’s priorities and budget.
In my role as External Relations Manager from 2014 to 2018, I enhanced member services, organizing conferences and managing publications. In addition to my duties at EHFCN, I have been serving as a federal public service agent and social inspector at the National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance (NIHDI) (Belgium, Brussels).
01/09/2017- 31/03/2018: International Criminal Court (The Hague, The Netherlands), Protocol, Public Information and Outreach Section, Employee. In addition to my responsibilities at EHFCN (as mentioned above), I held a part-time position at ICC, where I organized stakeholder meetings with the Presidency/Chambers, the Office of the Prosecutor, and the Registry.
01/09/2009 – 31/10/2014: National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance (NIHDI) (Brussels, Belgium), Legal Directorate, Litigation Team Leader. As the main point of contact for lawyers, courts, and tribunals, I resolved disputes related to health insurance legislation. Additionally, I was responsible for organizing Colloquia specifically tailored for judges, as well as drafting operational procedures.
II. Other experiences highlighted
05/2004-08/2009: Notaris A. De Wulf, Dendermonde (Belgium), Legal expert.
03/2001-09/2001: Permanent representation of Belgium to the United Nations, New York (USA) Employee. In the context of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, representing Belgium in United Nations meetings focused on human rights matters.
03/1999-09/2000: Child Focus, European Centre for missing and sexually exploited children, Brussels (Belgium), Case Manager, coordinating cases with judges and law enforcement.
10/1998-02/1999: European Commission, Justice & Home Affairs, Brussels (Belgium), intern.
07/1998-09/1998: ECPAT International (End Child Prostitution and Trafficking in Asian Tourism), Bangkok (Thailand), research volunteer.
10/1997-06/1998: International Criminal Police Organisation I. C. P. O Interpol, Lyon (France), intern and employee.
2000: Volunteer at MoMA (Museum of Modern Art), New York (USA).
Since 2023, I assume the role of Gender Focal Point for ISSA at ILO.
III. Education
2023: Academy on Gender, inclusion and the future of work (ITC ILO)
2022: Social Health Protection – Addressing inequities in access to health care (ITC ILO)
2019: International Anti-Corruption Summer Academy (IACA, Austria)
2011-2013: Executive Master in Public Management (Antwerp Management school, University of Antwerp, Belgium)
1996-1997: Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies en Droit Pénal International et politique criminelle en Europe (Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, France)
1993-1996: Master in Law (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
1991-1993: Bachelor in law (Ghent University, Belgium)
IV. Languages
I am perfectly fluent in French, English and Dutch, and I possess a working proficiency in Spanish (B2 level certification, 06/2023 from Bell School International in Geneva).
Countries | International; |
Topics | LTC insurance; Prevention and rehabilitation and LTC; Quality regulation and accreditation for LTC services; Social Insurance; Social Protection; |
Methods | Expert consultations; Guidelines development; Knowledge-exchange; Legal analysis; Thematic analysis; Training materials; |
Role | Policy; |
Interest Groups | Ageing and Place; Care and social protection in Southern Africa; Care home markets and regulation; Climate Change and LTC; Long-Term Care Policy; Migration Mobility and Care Workers; Quality improvement in Long-Term Care; Technology and Long-Term Care; | | |
Key publications | Long-term care in the context of population ageing: a rights-based approach to universal coverage | International Labour Organization: Long-term care in the context of population ageing: a rights-based approach to universal coverage | International Labour Organization |