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Phatta Kirdruang

Thammasat University

Phatta Kirdruang

Phatta is currently an associate professor in economics at Thammasat University.  She has been teaching several courses, including microeconomics, development economics, health economics, and project evaluation.  Her expertise is in the area of health economics, impact evaluation, and microeconomic analysis.  Phatta’s recent research projects include an impact evaluation of a conditional cash transfer program on child health and the estimation of health care costs from cannabis-related mental illness.

Phatta obtained her PhD in applied economics (with a minor in health services research) at University of Minnesota.  She als0 worked as a research assistant at the Minnesota Population Center.


Countries Thailand;
Topics Economics of LTC; Gender and care; Healthcare access in LTC; Living arrangements; Social Insurance; Social Protection;
Methods Cost analysis; Discrete choice experiments; Economic evaluation; Longitudinal data analysis; Panel data analysis; Quantitative data analysis;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Data Science; Economics of Long-Term Care; Employment Education and Family carers; Global Perinatal Mental Health; Long-Term Care Policy; Quasi-experimental methods;
Research interests
  • Child health
  • Family and work-life balance
  • Economic cost of mental health illness
  • Impact evaluation of conditional cash transfer.
Key publications

Davila, R. L., McCarthy, A. S., Gondwe, D., Kirdruang, P., & Sharma, U. (2021). Water, walls, and bicycles: wealth index composition using census microdata. Journal of Demographic Economics, 87(2).

Kirdruang, P. & Glewwe, P. (2017). The impact of universal health coverage on households’ consumption and savings in Thailand.  Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy.  Published online 9 Aug 2017.

Kirdruang, P.  (2016).  Non-cash benefits of employees in Thai public universities.  Development Economics Review (formerly NIDA Economic Review), 28-60. (in Thai).

Leerapan, B. & Kirdruang, P. (2015).  Cross-subsidization of healthcare financing at the hospital level: Case studies of selected public hospitals in Thailand.  Journal of Health Systems Research, 9(2), 109-124.  (in Thai).