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Rachel Winterton

La Trobe University

Rachel Winterton

Associate Professor Rachel Winterton is a principal research fellow and Deputy Director at the John Richards Centre for Rural Research, located in the La Trobe Rural Health School. Rachel’s research is located in the fields of social gerontology and health geography, and focuses primarily on experiences of ageing in rural and regional settings. She has published in leading international ageing, geography and rural studies journals on topics relating to rural ageing and volunteering, rural age-friendly communities and health systems, and active citizenship among rural older people. Currently, Rachel is the convenor of the Australian Association of Gerontology’s Rural, Regional and Remote Special Interest Group. She also sits on the Volunteering Australia Research Working Group.


Countries Australia;
Topics Ageing in place; Care in rural and other non-urban settings;
Methods Co-production methods; Qualitative studies; Scoping reviews; Theory and frameworks;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Ageing and Place;