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Sabine Pleschberger

Medical University of Vienna / Center for Public Health

Sabine Pleschberger

Sabine Pleschberger is a registered nurse from profession, but left clinical practice to follow her passion and become a researcher, about 25 years ago. She has an interdisciplinary academic background with a focus on nursing science and public health covering mainly interdisciplinary research fields. She war involved in research institutes in an outside of academia, mainly in Austria but also in Germany and the UK, bevor she became an Endowed Professorship for Nursing Science at the Centre for Public Health, Department of Primary Care Medicine at the Medical University of Vienna in Dec 2023; Her working fields cover Palliative Care at home, the Formal-Informal-Care Interface in home care, including Care for Older People with a specific focus on users’ perspectives as well as the Profession of Nursing. She has profound expertise in qualitative research methodology approaching vulnerable groups as well as collaborating in interdisciplinary research groups.


Countries Austria;
Topics Ageing in place; Co-production in LTC; End-of-life care and LTC; Ethics and care; Gender and care; Home/domiciliary care; Living arrangements; LTC Workforce; Outcomes for unpaid/informal carers; Primary Health Care; Unpaid / informal care; Workforce capability;
Methods Case studies; Document analysis; Ethnography; Focus groups; Grounded Theory; Implementation science; Interviews; Knowledge-exchange; Literature reviews and synthesis; Mixed methods; Narrative evaluation methods; Qualitative studies; Research ethics; Scoping reviews; Theory and frameworks;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Ageing and Place; Long-Term Care Policy; Workforce Capacity and Capability;
Research interests
  • End-of-life Care
  • Professional nursing – research & policy / workforce issues in LTC
  • Community Care / Non-kin care
  • User perspective in Health Care
  • Health Care Ethics


Key publications

Wosko P., Pfabigan J., Trukeschitz B., Pichler B., Reitinger E., & Pleschberger S. (2024): Non-kin Carers’ Roles and Contributions to the Support of Older People Living Alone: An Analysis of Qualitative Data. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, Volume 79, Issue 5, May 2024, gbae008.

Pfabigan J., Wosko P., Pichler B., Reitinger E., & Pleschberger S. (2022). Under reconstruction: the impact of COVID-19 policies on the lives and support networks of older people living alone. International Journal of Care and Caring 6 (1-2):211-228.×16308602886127

Kieninger J., Wosko P., Pleschberger S. (2022): Support towards the end of life and beyond: Non-kin care commitment for older people living alone in Austria. Health and Social Care in the Community 30 (6), e5196-e5203,

Wosko P., Schnepp W., Mayer H., Pleschberger S. (2021). Eine Frage des Vertrauens – Grounded Theory-Studie zum Alltagserleben HIV-positiver und an AIDS erkrankter Menschen [A matter of trust: A grounded theory study on the everyday experience of people living with HIV / AIDS].          Pflege, 34 (1), 31-40. (Editor’s Choice)

Pleschberger S., Reitinger E., Trukeschitz B., Wosko P. (2019). Older people living alone (OPLA) – non-kin-carers’ support towards the end of life: qualitative longitudinal study protocol. BMC Geriatrics, 19 (1), 219.

Kreyer C., Bükki J., Pleschberger S. (2019). Development of a German version of the Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool (CSNAT) – the process of translation & cultural adaptation. Palliative & Supportive Care.

Pleschberger S., Wosko P. (2016).  From neighbour to carer. An exploratory study on the role of non-kin-carers in end-of-life care at home for older people living alone. Palliative Medicine, 31(6): 559-565. (Editor’s Choice)

Kreyer C., Pleschberger S. (2014). “Um Normalität in einer instabilen Situation ringen“. Eine Metasynthese [Struggling for normality in an instable situation: Informal caregivers’ self-management in palliative home care. A meta-synthesis). Pflege, 27(5), 307-324.

Pleschberger S., Seymour J., Payne S., Deschepper R., Onwuteaka Philipsen B., Rurup M. (2011). Interviews on end-of-life care with older people: Reflections on six European studies. Qualitative Health Research, 21 (11), 1588 – 1600.

Pleschberger S. (2007). Dignity and the challenge of dying in nursing homes: the residents’ view. Age and Ageing, 36 (2): 197 – 20.