Sara Moreno Colom
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Sara Moreno Colom

Sara Moreno Colom has obtained Ph.D in Sociology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). She is teaching sociology as an associate professor appointed to the Department of Sociology (UAB), and researcher at the Sociological Research Centre on Everyday Life and Work -QUIT and at the Institute of Labour Studies. She was Vice Dean of Professionalization (2009-2015), Vice Dean of Institutional Relations (2015-2016) at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the UAB and Vice-rector for Students and Employability (2016-2020).
Her academic career began in 2002 when she was a grantholding trainee researcher (FPI) in QUIT. In September 2007 defended her PhD thesis “Time, work and welfare: an approach from everyday life”, which merited the Special Prize of the Department of Sociology. Over the years she has spent a pre-doctoral research period at the Cambio research centre of the University of Florence and a postdoctoral research period at the Centre for International Business Studies at the University of the South Bank in London.
She has several articles published and is a reviewer for specialised journals in her areas of knowledge, has been an evaluator for competitive projects, been a panel member for research prizes and is a member of the Sociology of Labour Research Committee of the Spanish Sociology Federation.
Countries | Spain; |
Topics | Access to care; Ageing in place; Attitudes and Expectations about Long-Term Care; Care Homes; Care inequalities; Care innovations; Care trajectories; Care work and migration; Co-production in LTC; Data science; Dementia care and support; Gender and care; Home/domiciliary care; Housing and care; LTC Policy; LTC Systems; LTC Workforce; New models of care; Residential LTC services; Social Innovation in LTC; Survey measures; Unpaid / informal care; |
Methods | Case studies; Co-production methods; Creative research methods; Delphi surveys; Discourse analysis; Document analysis; Ethnography; Focus groups; Grounded Theory; Literature reviews and synthesis; Measure validation; Narrative evaluation methods; Panel data analysis; Policy analysis; Political decisions analysis; Qualitative studies; Quantitative data analysis; Surveys; Systematic Review; Thematic analysis; Theory and frameworks; Theory of Change; Time series analysis; Trials and other evaluations; |
Role | Research; |
Interest Groups | Long-Term Care in Spain; |
Website | |
ORC.ID | 0000-0001-5041-5966 |
Research interests | Her lines of research and transfer are framed within the sociological field of work, the sociology of time and the sociology of gender. Specifically, she specialises in the analysis of work, time and everyday life, with a focus on social inequalities, welfare and public policies. As a researcher she has been continually involved in competitive research projects and has directed and taken part in research and transfer agreements in collaboration with leading public and private institutions in the field of social sciences, such as the Institute of Statistics for Catalonia (IDESCAT), the Catalan Institute for Women, the Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies of Barcelona, the La Caixa Foundation and the Jaume Bofill Foundation, among others. |
Key publications | Moreno Colom, S. (2024). “Experiencias de cuidados en clave de política pública local”. En: VVAA. VI Informe sobre las desigualdades en España 2024. Fundación Alternativas. Keller Garganté, C. & Moreno Colom, S. (2024). Políticas locales para impulsar comunidades de cuidados: el caso de VilaVeïna. Investigaciones Regionales – Journal of Regional Research. Moreno, S. & Borràs, V. (2023). Is Teleworking an Opportunity for Male `Joint Responsibility´ at Home?: Egalitarian Men during the Pandemic in Spain. Masculinities & Social Change. Moreno, S., Borràs, V., Cruz, I. & Porcel, S. (2023). La experiencia del trabajo a distancia durante el confinamiento en Cataluña: una aproximación desde la perspectiva de género. Revista Española De Investigaciones Sociológicas, (183), 77-100. Moreno, S., Borràs, V., Arboix, P. & Riera, M. (2023). Desmontando el mito del teletrabajo desde la perspectiva de género: experiencias y expectativas durante la pandemia. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 41(1), 95-117. Moreno, S. (2021). Prestigiando el trabajo de cuidados en los servicios de ayuda a domicilio. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (53), 27–57. Moreno, S. (2021). Construyendo comunidad desde lo público: el caso de las Superilles Socials. Revista Española De Sociología, 30(2), a27. Moreno, S. (2018). La acción comunitaria y los cuidados a domicilio. En C. Vega, R. Martínez & M. Paredes (Eds.) Cuidado, comunidad y común: experiencias cooperativas en el sostenimiento de la vida. Madrid: Traficantes de sueños Moreno, S. (2019). El desafío de género en los cuidados de la vejez: ¿riesgo u oportunidad social? Madrid: Fundación Foessa Documento de trabajo. Moreno, S. Recio, C. Torns, T. y Borràs, V. (2017). Long-term care in Spain: Difficulties in professionizing services. Journal of Women & Aging, 29 (3): 200-215. Moreno, S. Recio, C. Borrás, V. Torns, T. (2016). Significados e imaginarios de los cuidados de larga duración en España. Una aproximación cualitativa desde los discursos de cuidadoras. Papeles del CEIC, 145(1): 1-28. |