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Sarthak Saluja

Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science

Sarthak Saluja

I am a social data scientist specialising in applying quantitative and computational techniques to answer social science questions. I began working at the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), during my MSc in Applied Social Data science from LSE, following which I have taken up a full-time role working on projects like London LA market reports, and analysis of lifetime costs in social care etc.

Most of my work takes place in R, and a particular interest of mine is to understand how data science can be used to analyze large datasets (texts and tabular) to produce better policy and evidence-based research.


Countries India; UK;
Topics Care economy; Information and data systems in LTC;
Methods Data science and LTC research;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Care home markets and regulation; Data Science; Economics of Long-Term Care; Quasi-experimental methods;