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Ser-Huang Poon

University of Manchester

Ser-Huang Poon

I am a member of Turing Trustworthy Digital Identity/Infrastructure and LLM groups. I specialised in Modern Slavery in Supply Chains. Past innovations include:
1. A Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain in collaboration with GMP Programme Challenger (Modern Slavery Special Unit) designed to support secure and privacy-preserving information sharing.
2. A Proof of Covid-19 credential based on SSI (self-sovereign identity) principles for use in care homes.
I have received conditional acceptance for a POC on a WorkerBot that utilizes LLM and research on low-resourced languages. Additionally, I am part of a team developing a business-oriented LLM, funded by UoM and Turing.


Countries United Kingdom;
Topics Artificial Intelligence; Data science; Ethics and care; Social Innovation in LTC;
Methods Data science and LTC research; Narrative evaluation methods;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Data Science;
Research interests

My expertise includes NLP, LMM applications in Modern Slavary Due Diligence. I am a Turing member of Trustworthy Digital Identity/Infrastructure, and LLM groups.

Key publications

1. Carpenter, Martin and Ser-Huang Poon (2023) Distributed Data Network: A Case Study of the Indian Textile Homeworkers, Data & Policy, Turing managed journals, paper based on Turing funding project in India. ( []) Data & Policy (2023), 5: e39
2. Martin Carpenter and Ser-Huang Poon (2018) AI Model for Corporate AGM Voting Decisions, Report prepared for Castlefield Investment Partners. ISCF funded project. Available at SSRN.
3. Anton Golub, John Keane, Ser-Huang Poon, 2012, “The impact of internalisation on the quality of displayed liquidity”, Special commission report by the HMT Foresight Programme, UK Government Office for Science, Economic Impact Assessment EIA10, 30 January. (