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Thurid Eggers

University of Bremen

Thurid Eggers

I am currently a post-doctoral researcher at the Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy (SOCIUM) at the University of Bremen, Germany. I have earned my PhD in 2020 at the University of Hamburg with a thesis on older people’s active social citizenship in European long-term care policies. My main research interest lies in analysing and explaining cross-national differences in the historical development of long-term care policies and the consequences that certain policy designs have for the self-determination and social risks of family carers as well as older people in need of care.


Countries Germany;
Topics Autonomy; Cash benefits; Eligibility for public LTC; Gender and care; LTC Policy; LTC Reforms; LTC Systems; Unmet needs; Unpaid / informal care;
Methods Comparative policy analysis; Discourse analysis; Document analysis; Policy analysis; Qualitative studies; Theory and frameworks;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Employment Education and Family carers; Long-Term Care Policy; Unmet need inequalities and care poverty (UNICAP);
Research interests

Comparative welfare state analysis; (de-)familializing policies; historical development of LTC policies; gender (in)equality and care; LTC policies towards family care; older people’s social citizenship; re-ablement; self-determination/autonomy; social policy, social risks

Key publications

Eggers, Thurid; Grages, Christopher; Pfau‐Effinger, Birgit (2024): How culture influences the strengthening of market principles in conservative welfare states: The case of long‐term care policy. International Journal of Social Welfare 33 (2), . 413–426. DOI: 10.1111/ijsw.12612.

Eggers, Thurid; Grages, Christopher; Pfau-Effinger, Birgit (2024): New forms of family care in cultural and institutional contexts. Introduction to the Special Collection. Journal of Family Research 36, 58–65. DOI: 10.20377/jfr-1018.

Eggers, Thurid; Grages, Christopher; Pfau-Effinger, Birgit (2024): Gender and policies on paid family care: Overview of debate and theoretical reflections. Journal of Family Research 36, 43–57. DOI: 10.20377/jfr-938.

Eggers, Thurid; Xu, Jia (2024): Integrating familial care and extra‐familial care into a new long‐term care policy for China: Examples from Germany’s long‐term care insurance. International Journal of Social Welfare 33 (1), 42–60. DOI: 10.1111/ijsw.12581.

Eggers, Thurid (2023): Social risks and active social citizenship—A cross‐national comparison of long‐term care policies for older people in European welfare states. Social Policy & Administration 57 (3), 367–381. DOI: 10.1111/spol.12866.

Eggers, Thurid; Grages, Christopher; Pfau-Effinger, Birgit; Och, Ralf (2020): Re-conceptualising the relationship between de-familialisation and familialisation and the implications for gender equality – the case of long-term care policies for older people. Ageing and Society 40 (4),  869–895. DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X18001435.