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Tual Sawn Khai

Lingnan University

Tual Sawn Khai

I am from Myanmar. Currently, I am working as a Research Associate at the School of Graduate Studies, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, where I have recently completed my PhD in Sociology and Social Policy. My dissertation, which is currently being transformed into a book for publication with Routledge, focuses on the socio-ecological barriers to regular migration and access to healthcare services among Myanmar undocumented migrant workers in Thailand. The socio-ecological model enabled me to contribute policy implications for promoting regular migration and access to regular healthcare services among the migrant population at the individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, and policy levels. In this vein, I have published over 10 articles in highly esteemed peer-reviewed journals indexed in SSCI, SECI, and SCIE and several op-ed publications in the media. Beyond my academic activities, I have been actively providing research consultancy services to various Asian organizations. Furthermore, I have extensive work experience of more than five years in the domains of social development and human rights, having served both the civil society and government sectors.


Countries Hong Kong SAR;
Topics Access to care; Ageing in place; Care economy; Care needs poverty and deprivation; Care work and migration; Climate Change and LTC; Employment education and family carers; Infection prevention; Loneliness among older people; Primary Health Care; Social Insurance; Social Protection; Unpaid / informal care;
Methods Case studies; Comparative policy analysis; Focus groups; Literature reviews and synthesis; Mixed methods; Policy analysis; Qualitative studies; Quantitative data analysis; Scoping reviews; Surveys; Thematic analysis; Theory of Change;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Climate Change and LTC; Employment Education and Family carers; Long-Term Care Policy; Migration Mobility and Care Workers;
Other 2;
Research interests

My research interests focus on social epidemiology/global health research with a particular focus on the intersection of climate change and health disparities among marginalized populations such as migrants, refugees, internally displaced persons, older people, people with disabilities, and ethnic minorities.

Key publications
  1. Khai, T. S., Ahmed, M. F., Asaduzzaman, M. (2024). Examining the vulnerability of persons with disabilities in Myanmar pre- and post-COVID-19 and the military coup. Disability and Society. (IF 2.4, SSCI Q1)
  2. Mok, K. H., & Khai, T. S., (2024). Transnationalization of higher education in China and Asia :quality assurance and students’ learning experiences. Asian Education and Development Studies. (IF 1.9, ESCI Q2)
  3. Khai, T. S., Nkansah, J. O., Khan, A. W., & Asaduzzaman, M. (2024). Supporting Ageing Populations in Developing Countries : A Comparative Analysis of Pension Schemes and Policy Insights. Challenges, 15(2), 27.
  4. Khai, T. S. (2023). Vulnerability to health and well-being of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Myanmar post-military coup and COVID-19. Arch Public Health81, 185. (IF 3.3, SSCI Q2)
  5. Khai, T. S.(2023). Socio-ecological barriers to access COVID-19 vaccination among Burmese irregular migrant workers in Thailand. Journal of Migration and Health, [100194]. (IF 4.6, SECI Q1)
  6. Khai, T. S. (2023). Decision-Making, Irregular Migration, and Benefits: A Case of Chin Migrant Workers in Malaysia. Journal of Burma Studies (Q2)
  7. Khai, T. S., & Asaduzzaman, M (2023). Preventive knowledge, attitude, and vaccination challenges for COVID-19 among Myanmar refugees and irregular migrants in Malaysia. Vaccine: (IF 5.5, SCIE Q2)
  8. Asaduzzaman M, Khai, T. S, de Claro V, Zaman F (2023). Global Disparities in COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution: A Call for More Integrated Approaches to Address Inequities in Emerging Health Challenges. Challenges; 14(4):45.
  9. Ayomide Oluwaseyi Oladosu, Khai, T. S and Muhammad Asaduzzaman (2023). Factors affecting access to healthcare for young people in the informal sector: A systematic review. Frontiers Public Health., (IF 5.2, SSCI Q1)
  10. Pandi-Perumal, S.R., van de Put, W.A., Maercker, A., Hobfoll, S.E., Kumar, V.M., Barbui, C., Mahalaksmi, A.M., Chidambaram, S.B., Lundmark, P.O., Khai, T. S. and Atwoli, L., (2023). Harbingers of Hope: Scientists and the Pursuit of World Peace. Clinical Psychology in Europe, 5(4), 1-10. (IF 1.48, Q2)
  11. Khai, T. S & Asaduzzaman, M. (2022). ‘I Doubt Myself and Am Losing Everything I Have since COVID Came’: A Case Study of Mental Health and Coping Strategies among Undocumented Myanmar Migrant Workers in Thailand. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(22), [15022]. (SSCI Q1)
  12. Khai, T. S. (2022). Higher risk of COVID-19 infection among internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Myanmar under the military coup. Global Public Health. (IF 3.3, SSCI Q2)