Valentina Zigante
Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science
Valentina Zigante

I have a background in economics but have focused my research on adult social care for the past 10 years. My main research interests are the governance and management of social care services, unpaid/family/informal care and long-term care system comparisons with a European focus. Current projects include Supporting Adult Social Care Innovation
Countries | United Kingdom; |
Topics | Care economy; Care innovations; Care integration/ coordination; Community-based LTC; Economics of LTC; Ecosystems of care; Evaluation of LTC systems and services; Information and data systems in LTC; LTC Policy; LTC Reforms; LTC Systems; New models of care; Outcome measurement in LTC; Quality regulation and accreditation for LTC services; Residential LTC services; Social Innovation in LTC; Survey measures; Unpaid / informal care; |
Methods | Analysis of administrative data; Comparative policy analysis; Document analysis; Economic evaluation; Literature reviews and synthesis; Qualitative studies; Quantitative data analysis; Quasi-experimental methods; Surveys; Theory and frameworks; Theory of Change; |
Role | Research; |
Website | |
ORC.ID | 0000-0002-9246-5862 |
Key publications | Zigante V, Malley J, Boaz A, Ferlie E, & Wistow G. (2022) “How can the adult social care sector develop, scale and spread innovations? A review of the literature from an organisational perspective” CPEC Working Paper #8. The London School of Economics and Political Science, UK. Zigante,V. (2021) “The role of new technologies in modernising long-term care systems – a scoping review”, Social Situation Monitor Research Note. European Union ISBN 978-92-76-28928-9 Costa-Font, J., Zigante, V. (2020) Building ‘implicit partnerships’? Financial long-term care entitlements in Europe. Policy Sciences 53, 697–712. Zigante, V., Fernandez, J., & Mazzotta, F. (2020). Changes in the balance between formal and informal care supply in England between 2001 and 2011: Evidence from census data. Health Economics, Policy and Law, 1-18. doi:10.1017/S1744133120000146 Fernanda Mazzotta, Francesca Bettio & Valentina Zigante (2020) “Eldercare hours, work hours and perceived filial obligations”, Applied Economics, 52:21, 2219-2238. doi: 10.1080/00036846.2019.1687839 Zigante, V. & D. King (2019) Quality assurance practices in Long-Term Care in Europe – Emerging evidence on care market management. Social Situation Monitor Research Note. European Union. ISBN 978-92-76-14624-7 Zigante, V. (2018) “Informal care in Europe – Exploring Formalisation, Availability and Quality” Social Situation Monitor Research Note. European Union Costa-Font, Joan and Zigante, Valentina (2016) “’The choice agenda’ in European health systems: the role of ‘middle class demands’”. Public Money & Management. doi: 10.1080/09540962.2016.1206748 Zigante, Valentina (2011) “Subjective Well-being as a Measure of Welfare and Equity: The Case of Choice Policies in Health Care” CESifo Economic Studies. doi: 10.1093/cesifo/ifr022 Zigante, Valentina (2008) “Ever Rising Expectations- the Determinants of Subjective Welfare in Croatia” Financial Theory and Practice. 32:2. |