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Vicente Marbán Gallego

University of Alcalá

Vicente Marbán Gallego

Vicente Marbán Gallego holds a degree in Economics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1992) (specializing in Economic Sociology) and a PhD in Economics from the Universidad de Alcalá (2000). He has been a professor at the University of Alcalá since 1996, where he is currently a full professor.
His academic training has been complemented with training grants, both predoctoral (from the Foreign Language Assistants Program granted by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchange on behalf of the United Kingdom Education Departments) and postdoctoral (José Castillejo Scholarship). She has also participated in several teaching innovation projects and in various training activities for the updating of teaching methods and their adaptation to new technologies (e-learning, virtual classrooms, participatory methodologies…).
During the teaching activity developed in the last 25 years, he has taught the following subjects of socioeconomic profile in both degree and undergraduate: Sociology of Education, Consumer Behavior, Environmental Impact Assessment II: socioeconomic scope; Environmental Impact Assessment, Economic Sociology, General Sociology and Consumption, Sociology of Organizations and Sociology of Business).

His research activity is focused on the analysis and socioeconomic research of social policy and reforms in the Welfare State, especially in the areas related to social protection, disability, dependency, social exclusion and the Third Sector or Non-Profit Sector.
In these areas he has more than 100 publications, most of which are the result of participation in competitive research projects, applied projects for public administration and private foundations and research stays (in CSIC- Institute of Advanced Social Studies of Madrid or in Budapest School of Management Department of Social Studies). Since 2014 he is a member of the ESPN (European Social Policy Network), a network of experts selected in competitive concurrence by the European Commission for the analysis and evaluation of European social policies.
His publications include several articles published in journals cataloged in Journal Citation Index, Scopus, FECYT catalog or Econlit. Cite, among others, those published in the International Journal of Sociology, Civil Szemle (both indexed in Journal Citation Index), Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa CIRIEC, Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, Italian Journal of Social Policy/ Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, Presupuesto y Gasto Público, Sistema, Revista Española del Tercer Sector, Política y Sociedad or Documentación Social.
He is co-author of several books and book chapters, some of them in renowned publishing houses such as Springer, Bosch, Dykinson, Icaria, the Politeya Collection, Estudios de política y sociedad (CSIC) or the CES studies collection. He has two six-year research awards and has been part of the joint research project between the Universities of Alcalá, the Public University of Navarra and the University of Barcelona, which won the 2007 Economic and Social Council Research Award.

He has participated in more than 30 research projects and contracts. Seven of them are projects obtained in competitive calls for proposals both at European level (European Commission) and from the National I+D+i Plan (CYCIT). The last two are: 1) the project “Establishment and Management of the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) (European Commission), 2022-2023 and 2) the project “Comparative Perspective of the Third Sector of Social Action in the Autonomous Communities” (PECOTSAS) of the 2017 Call for R&D Projects of the State Programme for the Promotion of Scientific and Technical Research of Excellence, funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness; 3) Evaluation of the System for the Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Care for Dependency  in Spain (SAAD) (IMSERSO). Other projects are applied projects for public administration (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Madrid City Council, IMSERSO, Royal Board on Disability, Junta de Castilla la Mancha, Conselleria de Benestar Social de La Generalitat Valenciana, Instituto Vasco de Seguridad y Salud laborales) and private foundations (FOESSA, Fundación Pfizer, Fundación ONCE). He has directed three of them and in others he has participated in the technical coordination of the field work.
The results of the research have been disseminated not only through publications but also through attendance at nearly 40 congresses, conferences and seminars or through interviews in the press.
He has been Deputy Director of the Revista Española del Tercer Sector between January 2006 and May 2011, during which time 16 issues have been published. He is or has been a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of several scientific journals and has acted as evaluator in others (e.g. CIRIEC, REIS, or Papers). He has also coordinated working groups in several congresses and has acted as technical director of the field work of several research projects. He is currently coordinator of the high performance research group on social policy Joaquín Costa-UAH, and member of the Research Group Diversity, Disability and Social and Educational Inclusion. He also participates as a member of the Working Group 33 on Social Policy and Social Work of the Spanish Federation of Sociology and member of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Social Policy Network.


Countries Spain;
Topics Community-based LTC; LTC Reforms; LTC Systems; Residential LTC services; Unpaid / informal care;
Methods Analysis of administrative data; Document analysis; Literature reviews and synthesis; Qualitative studies; Questionnaire; Surveys;
Role Research;
Interest Groups Long-Term Care in Spain;
Research interests

Third Social of Action Sector.
Non-profit Organizations
Welfare State and Social Policy
Long Term Care
Social Policy in European Union