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23 May 2024

GOLTC Blog Post



From Theory to Practice: Rethinking Health and Social Care Research Ethics in Action

By Chiara De Poli (Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science) In this blog, Chiara De Poli, Research Officer at the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre based at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), outlines key messages from a recent journal article in PLOS ONE on research […]

GOLTC Blog Post

22 Dec 2023

Journal article



Research ethics and collaborative research in health and social care: Analysis of UK research ethics policies, scoping review of the literature, and focus group study

De Poli C, Oyebode J (2023) Research ethics and collaborative research in health and social care: Analysis of UK research ethics policies, scoping review of the literature, and focus group study. PLoS ONE 18(12): e0296223.

Journal article

21 Apr 2023

Guidance and Resources


The DEEP-Ethics Gold Standards for Dementia Research

DEEP. (2023). The DEEP-Ethics Gold Standards for Dementia Research. DEEP v.3.  

Guidance and Resources

17 Dec 2020

Journal article


Unethical governance: capacity legislation and the exclusion of people diagnosed with dementias from research

Fletcher, J. R. (2021). Unethical governance: capacity legislation and the exclusion of people diagnosed with dementias from research. Research Ethics, 17(3), 298–308.

Journal article

16 Nov 2015

Journal article


Co-design and implementation research: challenges and solutions for ethics committees

Goodyear-Smith, F., Jackson, C., & Greenhalgh, T. (2015). Co-design and implementation research: challenges and solutions for ethics committees. In BMC Medical Ethics (Vol. 16, Issue 1, p. 78). BioMed Central.

Journal article

09 Apr 2015

Journal article


“There are no known benefits.”: Considering the risk/benefit ratio of qualitative research

Opsal, T., Wolgemuth, J., Cross, J., Kaanta, T., Dickmann, E., Colomer, S., & Erdil-Moody, Z. (2016). “There are no known benefits.”: Considering the risk/benefit ratio of qualitative research. Qualitative Health Research, 26(8), 1137–1150.

Journal article