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PUBLICATIONS Care inequalities

PUBLICATIONS | Care inequalities

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29 Aug 2024

Journal article



Forecasting Informal care needs of the urban-rural older adults in China based on microsimulation model

Zhang, L., Shen, S., Zhang, W. et al. Forecasting Informal care needs of the urban-rural older adults in China based on microsimulation model. BMC Public Health 24, 2352 (2024).

Journal article

28 Aug 2024

Journal article



Geographical location as a determinant of caregiver burden: a rural-urban analysis of the informal caregiving, health, and healthcare survey in Ghana

Agyemang-Duah, W., Rosenberg, M.W. Geographical location as a determinant of caregiver burden: a rural-urban analysis of the informal caregiving, health, and healthcare survey in Ghana. BMC Prim. Care 25, 317 (2024).

Journal article

06 Aug 2024

Journal article

Catalonia (Spain)


Unravelling hidden inequities in a universal public long-term care system

Vidiella-Martin, J., Hernández-Pizarro, H., García-Gómez, P., and López-Casasnovas, G. (2024) Unravelling hidden inequities in a universal public long-term care system, The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, Volume 29.

Journal article

31 Jul 2024


New Zealand


Financial Health and Wellbeing of Unpaid Caregivers

Hayman, K., Kerse, N., Teh, R., Wiles, J., Hikaka, J., and Miskelly, P. (2024) Financial Health and Wellbeing of Unpaid Caregivers. Report prepared for the Ageinf Well National Science Challenge. July.


12 Jul 2024

Journal article



What determines informal care need among community-dwelling older adults in China? Results from a longitudinal study

Zhang, L., Shen, S., Zhang, W. et al. (2024) What determines informal care need among community-dwelling older adults in China? Results from a longitudinal study. BMC Geriatr 24, 597.

Journal article

14 May 2024

Journal article



Long-run consequences of informal elderly care and implications of public long-term care insurance

Thorben Korfhage, Björn Fischer-Weckemann, Long-run consequences of informal elderly care and implications of public long-term care insurance, Journal of Health Economics, Volume 96, 2024,

Journal article

12 May 2024

Journal article



Informal and formal long-term care utilization and unmet needs in Europe: examining socioeconomic disparities and the role of social policies for older adults

Szenkurök, V., Weber, D. & Bilger, M. Informal and formal long-term care utilization and unmet needs in Europe: examining socioeconomic disparities and the role of social policies for older adults. Int J Health Econ Manag. (2024).

Journal article

26 Dec 2023

Journal article



Assessing the impact of caregiving for older parents on caregivers’ health: Initial health status and trajectories of physical and mental health among midlife caregivers for parents and parents-in-law in Britain

Zueras, P. & Grundy, E. (2023) Assessing the impact of caregiving for older parents on caregivers’ health: Initial health status and trajectories of physical and mental health among midlife caregivers for parents and parents-in-law in Britain, Social Science & Medicine.

Journal article

20 Dec 2023

Journal article

England (UK)


The Economic Cost of Unpaid Care to the Public Finances: Inequalities in Welfare Benefits, Forgone Earnings-related Tax Revenue, and Health Service Utilisation.

Cartagena-Farias J, Brimblecombe N. The Economic Cost of Unpaid Care to the Public Finances: Inequalities in Welfare Benefits, Forgone Earnings-related Tax Revenue, and Health Service Utilisation. Social Policy and Society. 2023:1-15. doi:10.1017/S1474746423000477

Journal article

27 Nov 2023

Journal article



Country Differences in Long-Term Care Institutions: Towards a Care Regime Typology

Using Latent Profile Analyses to identify different typologies of care regimes. van Damme, Maike & Spijker, Jeroen, 2023. “Country Differences in Long-Term Care Institutions: Towards a Care Regime Typology,” OSF Preprints xcjaq, Center for Open Science.

Journal article

21 Sep 2023


South Africa


Funding Elder Care in South Africa Report

Report examining funding for care for older people in South Africa Moore, Elena; Kelly, Gabrielle (2023). Funding Elder Care in South Africa Report. University of Cape Town. Report.  


27 Jun 2023


South Africa


“This Government is Failing Me Too” South Africa Compounds Legacy of Apartheid for Older People

Sleap, B. (2023, August 7). “This government is failing me too.” Human Rights Watch.


13 Feb 2023

Journal article

South Africa


Family care for older persons in South Africa: heterogeneity of the carer’s experience

Moore, E. (2023). Family care for older persons in South Africa: heterogeneity of the carer’s experience. International Journal of Care and Caring, 7(2), 265-286. Retrieved Nov 15, 2023, from

Journal article

12 Nov 2022

Journal article



Inequalities in unpaid carer’s health, employment status and social isolation

Brimblecombe, N., & Cartagena Farias, J. (2022). Inequalities in unpaid carer’s health, employment status and social isolation. Health & Social Care in the Community, 30, e6564–e6576.

Journal article

10 Nov 2022

Journal article

South Africa


The potential value of a geographic information system for public service planning for older people in the African region

Kelly, G., & Black, R. (2023). The potential value of a geographic information system for public service planning for older people in the African region. International Journal of Care and Caring, 7(2), 364-372. Retrieved Nov 15, 2023, from

Journal article

27 Jul 2022

Journal article



Gender differences in access to community-based care: a longitudinal analysis of widowhood and living arrangements

Ilinca, S., Rodrigues, R., Fors, S. et al. Gender differences in access to community-based care: a longitudinal analysis of widowhood and living arrangements. Eur J Ageing 19, 1339–1350 (2022).

Journal article

17 Aug 2021

Journal article



Unequal Conditions of Care and the Implications for Social Policies on Young Carers

Alexander, C. Unequal Conditions of Care and the Implications for Social Policies on Young Carers. Child Adolesc Soc Work J 38, 505–518 (2021).

Journal article

11 Mar 2021

Journal article



Income-Related Inequalities in Informal Care: Evidence From the Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey in China

Yixiao Wang, Wei Yang, Mauricio Avendano, Income-Related Inequalities in Informal Care: Evidence From the Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey in China, The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, Volume 76, Issue 8, October 2021, Pages 1691–1696,

Journal article

24 Aug 2020

Journal article



Short- and Medium-Term Effects of Informal Eldercare on Labor Market Outcomes

Heger, D., & Korfhage, T. (2020). Short- and Medium-Term Effects of Informal Eldercare on Labor Market Outcomes. Feminist Economics, 26(4), 205–227.

Journal article

03 Jul 2020

Journal article



Barriers in access to dementia care in minority ethnic groups in Denmark: a qualitative study

Nielsen, T. R., Nielsen, D. S., & Waldemar, G. (2021). Barriers in access to dementia care in minority ethnic groups in Denmark: a qualitative study. Aging & Mental Health, 25(8), 1424–1432.

Journal article

28 May 2018

Journal article

South Africa


Long-term care for older people in South Africa: the enduring legacies of apartheid and HIV/AIDS

P.Lloyd-Sherlock (2018) Long-term care for older people in South Africa: the enduring legacies of apartheid and HIV/AIDS. Journal of Social Policy 48, 1, 147–167 doi:10.1017/S0047279418000326

Journal article

No pub date set

Journal article

Latinamerica & Caribbean


Inequalities in income security in later age in Latin America

Barrientos, A. (2021). Inequalities in income security in later age in Latin America. Pan American Journal of Public Health, 45.

Journal article