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PUBLICATIONS Care integration/ coordination

PUBLICATIONS | Care integration/ coordination

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31 Oct 2023

Journal article

England (UK)


The Long-Term Impacts of an Integrated Care Programme on Hospital Utilisation among Older Adults in the South of England: A Synthetic Control Study

The Long-Term Impacts of an Integrated Care Programme on Hospital Utilisation among Older Adults in the South of England: A Synthetic Control Study. Seamer, P., Lloyd, T., Conti, S., & O’Neill, S. (2023). The Long-Term Impacts of an Integrated Care Programme on Hospital Utilisation among Older Adults in the South of England: A Synthetic Control […]

Journal article

22 Sep 2022

Journal article



Do mobile hospital teams in residential aged care facilities increase health care efficiency: an evaluation of French residential care policy

Penneau, A. Do mobile hospital teams in residential aged care facilities increase health care efficiency: an evaluation of French residential care policy. Eur J Health Econ 24, 923–937 (2023).

Journal article

01 Aug 2022

Journal article

Scotland (UK)

Using Difference in Differences to evaluate vertical health and social care integration in Scotland

Alonso, J.M. and Andrews R. (2022) Does vertical integration of health and social care organizations work? Evidence from Scotland. Social Science & Medicine, 307

Journal article