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Filed under: Webinars;

Beyond words: Can ChatGPT ease the care documentation burden? 12 March 2024, webinar recording

24 Mar 2024

Care managers can dedicate around 6 hours per week manually transcribing handwritten notes from care assessments into electronic databases.  Social enterprise Beam’s Magic Notes uses AI to automatically generate audio recordings of case management meetings into case notes, freeing up workers to spend more time assessing needs and arranging care. In this webinar or the […]

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Filed under: Webinars;

Cracking the code: Latest data science trends in long-term care research, 5 December 2023, webinar recording

05 Dec 2023

On Tuesday 5 December 2023, the new Global Observatory of Long-Term Care (GOLTC) hosted a webinar which brought together researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to share and discuss the latest applications of data science in long-term care research.

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